“Don’t you have a brother to go fondle?”

He grinned, mischief flashing in his kohl-lined eyes. “Who says I haven’t?”

“Considering your fingers are on my three-thousand-dollar designer shirt, that better not be the case.”

Travis’s head fell back with a laugh, and then he waved to get the hot waiter’s attention. “A round of shots for the group?—”

“Nottequila,” Caleb muttered behind us, the buzzkill, but at least his return had Travis dropping his hold on me.

I let out an exaggerated sigh, my gaze wandering back to where Zac was heading up the stairs on the other side of the room. My cock jerked impatiently, ready for the hot mouth that kept me coming back for more.

“Oh hell no,” Caleb said as shots were passed around. “I saidnottequila.”

“For fuck’s sake, if you’re gonna cry about it…” I grabbed the shot out of his hand and tossed it back, and the second the liquor hit my tongue it gave me the idea for the out I needed to disappear. Something that wouldn’t look too suspicious.

Cringing, I shoved the empty glass into the waiter’s palm.“What is this?” I said. “Motor oil? Where the fuck’s your boss?”

Without waiting for a response, I stalked out of the VIP like a man on a mission. My friends knew me well enough not tostop me when I got pissed off, and serving anything but the best tequila would do it.

They didn’t have to know about the erection pressing up against my tailored pants that grew more painful with every step I took. Or the teaching assistant that better be naked by the time I got to him. These were never long, drawn-out encounters. No after-sex cuddling wanted or required.

Thiswas what my friends didn’t get. The fun of sneaking around, getting off, then getting the hell out.

As I reached the second floor, out of sight, I untied my ascot and slid it around so that the ends were left hanging. Perfect for a certain someone to grab on to.

I scanned the space, wondering where Zac was hiding, but before I could walk any farther, an arm wrapped around my waist from behind and yanked me into a low-lit room. As the door slammed shut, I heard, “What took you so long?”




THE SECOND East’s cologne hit my nose, it was like a straight shot of electricity down to my dick. I hauled him into what appeared to be an empty suite Nocturne had for private events and put my lips to his neck, noting that fucking ascot from earlier in the day.

Of course he’d worn it, and of course I’d spotted him the second I entered the club. It wasn’t all that hard when he was standing in the VIP section like some sort of lord looking down on all his subjects.

I was aware that should probably turn me off, but judging by the ache now throbbing between my thighs, it definitely didn’t. Not that I had much time to think on that because as soon as I dared to question him, East’s desire to be in charge took over.

He shoved me away from him, and as I took several steps back he locked the door and stalked across the room with a haughty look on his face.

“We’re not in school right now,Zacharius. Or have you forgotten? Out of Astor’s gates, I don’t have to follow your schedule.”

Arrogant little shit.

Never in a million years would I have guessed East would make my cock hard, but after our first explosive encounter, I’d known there was no turning back. There was just something so insanely hot about making him kneel, grovel, and even beg.

My legs bumped up against the arm of a velvet clubman chair, and as he continued forward, I began to unbutton my shirt. “I didn’t forget. But I also know how long it’s been since you’ve had my dick in your ass and how eager that makes you.”

East swiped his tongue along his lower lip as my shirt parted, revealing my stiff cock to his hungry eyes. “Are you calling me desperate?”

I reached for the ends of the ascot, lowering my lips until they brushed over the top of his.“No, I’m calling you greedy. Now get on your fucking knees. You know you want to.”

East’s eyes darkened as I tugged him down with that sexy piece of silk, then he reached for the button of my pants and freed my cock. I shoved my shirt tails aside so I could watch him swallow me, and he groaned.

Thatwould never get old, and I knew exactly what he was responding to—my body. The first time I’d taken my shirt off in front of East he’d almost passed out, which was a boost to my ego.

I kept a professional front at school—it was needed, considering I was Professor Kingston’s TA. But out of school was a totally different story, and I liked to keep in shape so I could keep pompous shits like East in line.