I leaned over the kitchen island, picking through the options and decided on starfruit while East finished off another coffee beside me. I had so many questions for King, but for the moment, I was content to enjoy this little slice of heaven. No need to question it, not when King had his own timeline for when he wanted things to happen. Surely we’d get some answers before the end of our trip…and if not, the sex made it all more than worth it.

As I finished off the last bite of starfruit, its juice rolled down my hand, and the next thing I knew East had a hold of my wrist and brought my fingers up to his mouth. Hazel eyes, more gold than brown today, glinted as he licked the juice trailing down my skin.

I raised a brow as he sucked my index finger into the warm heat of his mouth. “What are you doing, trouble?”

He shook his head and continued with my middle finger, and my dick throbbed.


He drew his mouth off me but didn’t let go of my wrist. “Yes?”

He knew exactly what he was doing but batted innocent eyes at me. It was a night-and-day difference from the hours we’d spent at the mercy of King’s incredible cock.

“Doesn’t your ass need a rest?” I teased as he brought my hand to rest against his bare chest. At least he’d managed to put his damn towel back on for breakfast, or I would’ve been tempted to take him up on what he was offering.

“Probably, but I figured you could just keep me ready for the next time King wanted another go around. Lord knows we’re gonna have stay prepared if we plan to keep taking that big, beautiful dick.”

“I’m sure there’ll be other things to occupy your time besides that.”

“Better than sex?”

“I didn’t say better. I said other.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” East nipped at the tip of my finger as King returned with a stack of plush towels in his arms.

“Starting something without me?” he asked, and I grinned and pushed East away.

“He’s definitely trying to start something. Might need to find a way to keep him busy.”

“Well, just give me the Wi-Fi password and I’ll harass all my friends who decided to go on romantic vacations without consulting me.”

“No Wi-Fi,” King said, slipping his feet into a pair of slides by the door. “No cable either.”

East’s mouth fell open. “Excuse me? Did you say you have no connection to the outside world on this island?”

“There’s a landline in the kitchen.”

“Oh…my…God. But how do you function? Doesn’t your secret society gig require you to be reachable?”

“I don’t want to be reachable. Not here.” He started out to the back patio, and I laughed at the way East was still sputtering as I followed.

“Well, I’m impressed,” I said. “We’re all too addicted to our phones anyway.”

“But…” East trailed after me. “What are we gonna do out here?”

King tossed us both a towel. “I thought we’d start with a swim.”

Nowthat’swhat I was talking about. The pool had been catching my eye since I’d walked out here this morning to get a better look at the island, but King bypassed the path that led to it and headed toward the ocean.

“Uh.” I halted my steps, my stomach beginning to flip over the thought of getting in there.

East glanced over his shoulder and paused. “What’s the problem? Can’t swim?”

“No, I can swim, I just, uh…” I shook my head, trying not to imagine all the fish, seaweed, deep-sea creatures, and undertows.

“Zac?” King said. “Is this okay?”

“Oh yeah, of course. I mean, you two go ahead. I’m not really an ocean kind of guy.” I tried to play it off, but I heard the way it sounded out of my mouth. Not even the promise of King and East all wet and naked would get me in there past my toes.