
I ALWAYS WOKE up with the dawn, whether I was in the city or on the island. I’d never needed much shuteye, not when there was always a call, or an email, something or someone that needed my attention.

So imagine my surprise when I woke up to the sun high in the sky, the morning already passing me by. I listened for the sound of movement, but the house was quiet. I’d well and truly worn the three of us out, but damn I couldn’t remember having a more satisfying night. Standing under the steam shower before passing out had been smart, minimizing the ache in my body as I slid out from under the sheets and got to my feet.

I slipped on a pair of shorts and headed to the kitchen for a coffee. The doors to both rooms I’d shown the guys to were still shut, giving me an absurd sense of satisfaction. What could I say? All that pent-up tension served its purpose.

My staff had stocked the kitchen with everything we’d need and more, down to the platters of sliced local fruit and pitchers of freshly squeezed juice. I opted for a coffee first, but hesitated when I grabbed the single-serve pod.

Did Zac and East drink coffee? I’d often seen Zac arrive with a travel mug, but I couldn’t be sure what was inside, and keeping some sense of boundaries meant I’d never asked.

Deciding on a different approach, I put the pod back in the drawer and brewed a big pot instead. That way they’d have the option to indulge or not.

Ifthey emerged before dinnertime.

Steaming mug in hand, I headed out to the back, where a spread of comfortable lounge chairs overlooked the gorgeous, clear blue waters and powdery-white beaches. It was paradise. Not a cloud in the sky and a steady, balmy breeze that kept it from ever feeling too hot. No crowds or tourists littering the view, just peace.

I took a sip of the scalding brew—just the right temp—and faltered as an even better view caught my eyes.

Zac laid out on a lounger, the top half of him positioned in the shade with his long legs spread out to get a little sun. At my approach, he looked up and immediately scooted to a sitting position.

“Oh hi, um, I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure when you’d be up, so I came out here for a little bit. But if you’d rather I?—”

“Zac.” I held up a hand. “You’re fine. You’re welcome to enjoy any part of the island. Relax, maybe even breathe for a second.”

He took in a breath as I settled into the lounger beside his.

“How about we try this again?” I asked.

Zac shifted until his legs were stretched out again, but I didn’t miss the nervous way his Adam’s apple bobbed. “I’d like that.”

I ran my eyes down his naked torso, then back up to his handsome face. “Good morning.”

Zac chuckled. “Morning.”

“It’s not a good one?”

“What? Oh. Yes, of course it’s a good one.” He shook his head and muttered, “Stop talking, idiot.”

I put my coffee mug on the table beside the lounger and reached over to put a hand on Zac’s arm. The second my fingers touched him, his head whipped around and his eyes met mine.

“I know this has to be a little bit difficult for you,” I said. “Last night was?—”

“Hot as hell.”

“Yes. It was that. But it also changed the dynamic between us, and I want to make sure that you’re okay with that.”

“I am,” Zac said without hesitation. “It’s just taking me a second to wrap my head around the fact that it happened in the first place. I’ve wanted it for so long, and…” His cheeks turned that delicious shade of pink.

“Now you can’t stop thinking about it?”


“Neither can I.” I brushed my thumb across his lips. “We aren’t at Astor, Zac. This week, I’m not your professor. You want something, ask me for it.”

“Just like that?”

“I didn’t say you’d get it.” I winked, and that flush deepened. “But you should definitely ask.”