“Say it.” King’s voice was low and dangerous, his hips moving up and down behind East to tease his cock between his ass cheeks. “Yes, King.”
“Fuck yes, King.”
“Very good.”
King straightened and forced East’s spread legs wider with his own. Then he flattened his palm on East’s back, pushing him down onto me, and smoothed his hands over East’s ass.He plumped them and spread his cheeks apart, then leaned over and began to tongue East’s tight hole. I knew just how tight and hot it was, and that, along with the visual of King taking what he wanted, had my cock getting hard again.
Jesus.I was gonna go for a fucking record tonight, I could feel it.
I reached up and pinched East’s nipples, rubbing them between my fingers. He was sensitive there, and he writhed and bucked back on King’s face.
The way King’s hands gripped him, holding East like he was only there for King’s pleasure, was one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen.
Was this real? All of this was too good to be true, which meant I had to be hallucinating, because surely King whisking us away to his private island to fuck us was something that only made sense in a wild fantasy. Not real life.
But East felt real under my hands. His grunts sounded real, and King’s cum drying on my skin was definitely real.
“Wrap your legs around him,” King ordered me as he stood up and rolled another condom on his impossibly hard-again cock.I followed his request, twining my legs around East’s lower back and crossing my ankles to keep him right where King wanted him.
The way my erection rubbed up against East’s body told me this was going to be the most delicious torture once King got started, and I ran my fingers through the cum lingering on me to coat my dick.
“Always the brains,” King said before swiping some onto his fingers to lube himself as well. “And an insatiable hot bottom.”
I preened under the praise as East let out a frustrated whine and bucked back again, clearly missing King’s touch.But my job was to hold him right where King wanted him, and I tightened my thighs so he couldn’t use his body to make demands our professor didn’t want to give…yet.
“That’s right. Keep our wild boy from topping from the bottom.”
Husky and low, King’s voice gave me goosebumps, and had East looking down at me with pure hunger in his eyes. I knew exactly what he was feeling. So ready, so eager, his cock probably dripping pre-cum onto the hardwood floor.
The second King breached his hole, East’s breath left him in a heavy exhale and he dropped his head.
I couldn’t decide where I wanted to look more—at East as he lost control, or at King, who was infullcontrol. Both were so incredibly erotic.With every thrust, East’s abs rubbed against my cock sandwiched between our bodies, and the friction had my eyes rolling in the back of my head.
I wasn’t just a voyeur this round, I was right there with them as King fucked East at a pace that I didn’t even think I could manage after getting off already.
“King,” East said on a ragged breath. “Godyes, just like?—”
King shoved inside him so hard he collapsed on top of me, unable to keep himself braced.I cursed, my dick taking the weight of his body, but every jolt had me closer and closer to the brink.
East, on the other hand, was blissed out beyond recognition as King grabbed hold of his dick to jerk him off while never letting up on the pace.
Through the haze of lust, I watched King, his neck corded with tension, his powerful body pumping into East in a way I knew would be seared into my mind forever.
It was so goddamn sexy. The harsh breathing in the room was a symphony in my ears as my balls drew up tight from the delicious pressure of every drive. I struggled to keep my legs in place as I began to fall apart for the second time, my climax exploding in a hot, sticky eruption between us. I didn’t know if it was East shouting or the roar of blood in my ears as he started to jerk out of rhythm.
“Not yet,” King said roughly, his eyes closing briefly before they opened again and locked on mine. I swallowed hard, struggling for breath as King then gave East the order to come. Like he couldn’t have held on another second, East shouted as his entire body began to convulse with the force of his orgasm.
“Goddamn,” he said, meeting my eyes as a satisfied smile tipped one side of his mouth.
King pulled out of him and ripped off the condom, and on instinct, I drew my legs back down from where they’d been so tightly wrapped around East.
Seconds later, milky jets of King’s cum sprayed East’s back, marking him the same way he’d marked me. The same way he’d marked us both that night we received the invitation.
It felt possessive in a way I couldn’t describe and didn’t care to. It made me feel wanted and desirable in a way I’d only ever felt with East. Not that I’d ever admit that to either of them. Both had egos that didn’t need any more inflating, but maybe that was what made them so fucking sexy. Two men, so dynamic and powerful in their own ways, who wanted nothing more than to spend a week on a beach fucking me senseless.
If this is a dream,I thought as I dipped a finger in the mess on East’s back and brought it between my lips,nobody better fucking wake me.