“Then what’s with the face?”
“Just seeing a whole lot of water and not a whole lot of land.”
“Afraid you’ll have to swim?” East smirked before meeting my eyes. “Care to tell us where you’ve whisked us away to, since my phone’s not updating the location?”
“You’ll see,” I said.
“You really get off on this cryptic persona of yours, you know that?”
“I do. As much as I know it’s testing you not to have any control right now.”
East pouted, and Zac laughed, the tension that had crept into his face easing when he saw how put out his fuck buddy was.
“Gotta say, I like watching someone besides me put you in your place.”
“Neither of you should get used to that,” East said, before swallowing half of his martini. “Besides, I’m notcompletelyunaware of our general vicinity in the world.”
Zac and I shared a look, and then I spread my hands wide. “Do tell us, James. Where are we?”
That gleam in East’s eyes reminded me of what Archer said about not underestimating him. “First of all, we haven’t been in the air long enough for a transatlantic flight, so that’s out. But we’ve been over water the entire trip, so that knocks out staying anywhere in the States. We sure as hell haven’t gone north without packing more layers, so the conclusion is obvious.” He drained his martini with a flourish. “We’re somewhere in the Caribbean.”
Impressive. He was paying attention, but I wouldn’t reward him yet. “Is that all you’ve narrowed it down to? That encompasses many countries.”
“Does it matter the name? One island’s as good as another.”
Zac groaned. “Professor, please tell me you brought a muzzle.”
“I’m not answering to that name on this trip, remember?”
Instantly, the temperature in the cabin changed. One minute it was teasing, and the next it was a fuck of a lot more scintillating. Especially when Zac licked his lower lip, leaving a glistening trail I couldn’t wait to suck on. If we weren’t about to land, I might’ve considered throwing out my plans and taking both of them right here, right now.
“Apologies,” Zac said, holding my stare. “King.”
Goddammit. That word on his tongue did things to my dick that would make it hard to walk out of here. It throbbed with anticipation, hard and insistent, ready for all the night would bring, and from the way they both began to shift in their seats with the kind of restlessness currently riding me, I knew they were just as on edge.
A few more minutes of tense silence and we finally landed with a jolt and began to taxi down to the hangar. Once we came to a stop, I swirled the last of my whiskey around the ball of ice and tossed it back.
Here we go.
The alcohol was helping as reality set in that I’d brought these two here for a week of whatever debauchery they wanted to get up to.
Or into.
I led the three of us down the steps and started toward the hangar, but East’s curse had me looking back.
“Hold on a second.” With narrowed eyes, he slowly took in our surroundings as Zac did the same, only with more surprise than suspicion.
Even though it was dark, the lights from the hangar and those from the main house at the highest point of the island showcased justhowuninhabited it was.
“A private island, huh?” East said, stepping onto the tarmac. He slipped the bag the flight attendant handed him onto his shoulder and walked over to join me. “Whose?”
He stared at me for a long moment. “Yourisland. As in you own it, you’re not just renting it for a few days.”
“East—” Zac started, but I held my hand up.
“Surprised? Bewildered as to how I could possibly have all of this and the Phantom too?”