“Oh, hi, professor,” I said, forcing as casual a smile as I could muster with my heart pounding a mile a minute. You would think after working together for as long as we had that he wouldn’t be as intimidating as I’d always thought him when I was an undergrad, but that wasn’t the case. If anything, being up close and personal just made it more difficult, adding in a crush factor that hadn’t been there before.
Like before I knew how damn good he smelled or how he’d say my name with such authority I felt like I should kneel and say, Yes, sir.
Dark eyes that were almost black bored into mine before sweeping over the rest of me, and the panic I felt when they lowered had me coughing, forcing his attention back to my face and not my on-edge erection.“Are you feeling okay? You look a little flushed.”
“Me? No, sir, I’m fine. Great, actually. How are you?”
Smooth, Zac. Now he’ll definitely know something’s up if he hasn’t already seen your dick.
King’s lips twisted in faint amusement. “I’m assuming you were coming to find me, then?”
My mind blanked.
“To go over your course assignments for the week.”
Oh, right.My job.Wake the hell up.“Yes, sir, that’s exactly what I was doing. As a matter of fact, I have it right?—”
The door to the empty office opened at that exact moment, and, because his timing was impeccable, James Easton stepped out.
It didn’t matter that he still looked as perfectly put together as he had been when he entered. King had noticed we’d walked out of the sameemptyroom.He was too perceptive not to put it together, because the man didn’t miss anything. It was why I’d always been extra careful around him, and why I usually kept my mouth shut. So I didn’t slip and beg him to bend me over his desk.
East startled when he saw the two of us standing in the middle of the hall, clearly not expecting me to still be there after waiting the full minute to exit. But just as quickly, he smoothed his expression and winked at Professor Kingston.
“Nice suit, professor,” he said as he walked past us—ignoring me completely, thank God.
King nodded. “James.”As East disappeared down the hallway, King turned back to me and lifted a brow.“Making good decisions, are we?”
My stomach dropped to the damn floor, but before I could muster up some kind of excuse, King cut me off.
“I’ll see you in class, Zac. You can email the assignments.”
Without another word, he walked off, leaving me standing there cursing both East and my wayward dick. Professor Kingston was fully within his power to reprimand me, but I had a feeling I’d just been given a one-time pass. Which meant I had to tell East tonight that we needed to keep our hookups outside of Astor for the rest of the semester. He’d probably be annoyed about that, because East wasn’t the type to acknowledge there were rules he had to follow, but that was too bad.
I’d just have to blow his mind—and his impressive cock—until he saw things my way.
“WELCOME TO NOCTURNE.” The smiling club owner, having ventured down from his perch to greet us—as he should—gestured to the raised platform VIP area that had been reserved just for us. “I heard you’re a fan of Beluga Epicure vodka, so we’ve got two bottles of our best on ice for you.”
“I see our reputation precedes us,” I said, clapping him on the shoulder. “Good man.”
“If there’s anything you need, please let me know.” He handed me a black card with nothing but a phone number printed. “My personal, direct line.”
I pocketed the card while Donovan thanked him for having us. We were always receiving invites to whatever hot new establishment wanted eyes on their place, and they always rolled out the red carpet and had their best on offer. Best table, best drinks, hottest staff…
Like the guy assigned to us that was busy pouring drinks. As I approached, he turned and handed me a dirty martini.“Your friends said this is your favorite.”
“A martini delivered by the sexiest man in the room?” I said, taking the glass from him. “Always.”
Even under the flashing lights I could see the way my compliment made him flush, but it wasn’t like I would ever take him up on the offer in his eyes. Leveling up was the only way to go, and someone pouring my vodka was not it, no matter how attractive he was.
I made my way over to where West sipped from his tumbler and was clearly enjoying JT’s ass rocking back into him as he danced. He glanced at me, then to the waiter, and shook his head.“You’re such a snob, my man.”
With a shrug, I perused the crowd below us. “This isn’t new information, but about what exactly this time?”
“You didn’t look twice at that guy.”