A few strong martinis somewhere with loud music and eye candy was all I needed to cleanse myself of the soul-sucking love vibes I’d been suffocating around for the last hour, and I wasn’t wasting another godforsaken minute getting the hell out.



IT WASN’T POSSIBLE to avoid King during the week, not when we shared an office and had to touch base daily about work, but damn if I didn’t try. The problem wasn’t that it was awkward or uncomfortable. Oh no. It was that my dick wanted to make my life hell by rising to get his attention any time he was near. How could it not? I hadn’t figured out a way to calm down around him, and East wasn’t making things easier by teasing and riling me up every chance he got.

Thank God King had left already to get a jump on spring break. It gave me time to focus on grading the last few assignments so I wouldn’t have to work on them during my time off.

The door to the office burst open without so much as a warning knock, and East walked inside, a far-too-mischievous tilt to his lips as he shut the door and leaned against it.“Damn. I was hoping I’d catch you mid-coitus with our professor.”

I shook my head and continued typing. “You just missed it.”

“Don’t tease me.”

“I’m not. Hottest sex of my life.”

East growled and pushed off the door. “I thoughtIwas the hottest you ever had.”

“Sorry. Guess you’ve been replaced.”

My fingers flew off the keys as he jerked my chair back. He straddled me and sank down onto my lap, and I smirked at the pout on his lips.

“Jealous?” I said, and ran my hands along his perfectly pressed pants, moving up his thighs and then squeezing his firm ass.

“I don’t get jealous.”


“I just don’t like to be left out of a good time.”

“So youwerejealous.” I flexed my fingers and began to knead the tight muscles, keeping East right where he was. “It’s okay. You can admit it.”

“I’ll do no such thing.”

“Have it your way.” I tilted my head up like I was going to kiss him, and when he started to close the distance, I leaned back.

“Don’t be such a fucking tease,” he growled. He slid his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me back to his mouth. Warm lips crashed down on mine, taking control, and I let myself sink into him. Instantly all the tension from the week melted from my body, East’s tongue pulling focus as it swept along mine.

“Mmm.” I tugged at his shirt, pulling it loose from his pants, and then smoothed my palms up his lower back. His skin was scorching hot, and it made me want to feel the rest of his naked body against mine.

Not here, though.

I sucked on his lower lip before releasing it with a pop. This version of East, the one a little mussed, mouth swollen and clothes undone, was so damn hot.

Too bad he liked to open his mouth and ruin it.

He reached down between us to unbutton my pants, but I stilled his hand with mine.

“We can’t,” I said.

“We can.” He nipped at my lips and successfully flicked open the button this time, but I caught him before my zipper went down.


“Your dick is as hard as mine; don’t even try to tell me you’re not dying for it. It’s been a week.”

God, I hated when he was right. I was starving for release, and here he was for the taking.