“ToFlorida? Where every other spring breaker goes to get shitfaced and stupid?” I wrinkled my nose. “How pedestrian. No thanks. Next.”

“We didn’t know you had a match coming up, or we wouldn’t have made plans,” West told Daire.

I whirled in his direction. “And just where do you thinkyou’regoing?”

West trailed his fingers up and down JT’s thigh and smiled down at him. “JT’s family asked if I’d join them in the Hamptons during the break, and we thought it’d be a good idea.”

I sputtered out a laugh, and he shot me a glare.

He was joking. Right? Because the West I knew would rather run naked through Times Square than spend spring break—especially hisseniorspring break—with the dean of Astor’s family on a beach a couple hours away.

“That’s hilarious,” I said. “Where are you really going?”

“I just told you.”

I narrowed my eyes, trying to suss him out. “Bullshit.”

“It’s true. Dean Hawthorne asked me herself.”

What the actualfuck.

“Oh my God.” Something that sounded a lot like a growl escaped my throat, and I scrubbed a hand over my face roughly. “You’re killin’ me. You do know you can go to the Hamptons anytime? Literally. Any. Time.”

“Sorry, man,” West said, not looking as apologetic as he should. “Compromise, you know.”

No other word had ever sounded worse in my entire life.

While I tried not to gag on it, Travis let out a low whistle. “Wow, look at West learning the meaning of the word ‘compromise.’ Is it freaking anyone else out?”

West flipped him off, but Travis only grinned before turning his attention my way. “And before you ask, Caleb and I are going to an undisclosed location that’s none of your damn business, so you’ll have to manage without us too.”

Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable.

Slowly, I turned toward Preston, the last man standing. “And you? It’s not like Archer gets spring break, so you’re good to go, right?”

Preston at least had the sense to look sheepish, unlike the other fuckers. “Sorry, East, he’s taking me to Saint-Tropez for the week, since pilot season’s winding down. I would’ve told you, but he just surprised me with it.”

My temper flared as I looked at each one of my so-called friends. All those couples, all that lovey-dovey bullshit. I justassumed all the last-minute indecisiveness on their part came down to wanting me to make an executive decision, but they’d all gone and made plans on their own.

“Wow. I see how it is.”

“What’s the big deal?” West, of all people, asked. “You can just hop on the family jet and go anywhere you want. Hell, you’ll probably prefer it.”

Ordinarily, he’d be right. But right now, no, actually, I couldn’t just take the jet to a destination unknown. My father had decided to refurbish the damn thing and said it would be out of commission for weeks.

But the guys didn’t need to know that. It wasn’t like I didn’t have a million connections once I decided where I wanted to go, so if they wanted to have pathetic spring breaks, then that was their own damn fault. Fuck being annoyed over their little romantic getaways. Whatever I did would be a million times more entertaining, and it wouldn’t include being tied down to one person and one cock.

“Fine,” I said, brushing a piece of lint off my sweater. “Be lame-asses. What do I care?”

“Come on, don’t be like that,” West said, starting in my direction. “Why don’t you come with us?” Behind him, JT’s eyes bugged out of his head.

Ha.Now if I really wanted to drive Golden Boy crazy, I’d tag along and make his trip miserable. Not to mention Dean Hawthorne hated me. It was tempting to take him up on it, just to be petty and because I could.

But then out of nowhere, Zac’s face popped into my mind through all the chaos and disappointment, and suddenly I had a better option.

I gave West a tight smile and patted him on the cheek. “I don’t need your pity invite, Weston. You two have a lovely time. Enjoy getting crabs.”

He started to protest behind me, but I was over hearing all the excuses he or any of the guys had.