“Let’s just say they weren’t considering the size of his dick when they chose us to model the uniforms,” Donovan said. “I think he, uh, took them by surprise.”

“What the hell did they think they were getting?” West nodded at Kelly. “He’s six-three and built like a brick shithouse.”

“These are for athletes, dumbass,” Daire finally spoke up. “You think they’re gonna pick a skinny cokehead to model this shit?”

West shrugged, acknowledging his point, but the second he took a sip of his drink, Donovan and Kelly were back on the screen and he choked on a swallow. “Fuckin’ hell,” he said, continuing to cough, his eyes wide on the track-and-field uniforms our friends sported.

Donovan fit his outfit perfectly, his long, leanly muscled body looking every bit like that of a track star, but Kelly… Those spandex onesies were losing the battle against his bulge.

“Good God, man.” Caleb cursed under his breath before adding, “Are you trying to make everyone else look bad?”

“You should’ve seen it without anything restraining him,” Travis said.

Someone trumpeted like an elephant, sending the room into howls of laughter that only got louder when they modeled the next ensemble—the men’s gymnastic onesie.

JT peeked through spread fingers like he couldn’t bear to watch. “How is it possible it’s just getting worse?”

“Beg to differ,” Travis said. “The outfits are heinous, sure, but that fit…” He kissed his fingertips and winked at Kelly. “Nicely done, man.

“And you look great too, Van,” added Caleb, the suck-up.

Donovan only grinned at Kelly as he squeezed his boyfriend’s ass. The moony-eyed look he was giving him forced my eyes back on the screen.

“Hate to say it, but I don’t think they’ll be airing you in prime time, Kelly. Actually…” I cocked my head to the side. “Maybe they’ll work you in from the back.”

“Hey, I looked damn good in the jackets,” he protested.

Gavin skipped through the rest of the video, stopping on each new uniform and skipping through the designer’s commentary. When it came to an end, he turned it off and said, “So? What do you think? Amazing they got chosen for that, right?”

“I don’t know.” Preston scratched his jaw as he moved in beside Donovan and Kelly. “No disrespect to the clothes, but I think I prefer you both naked.”

My jaw became practically unhinged as it fell to the floor at our not-so-straight-anymore friend’s words. Never in a million years did I ever think Preston had it in him, not until he proved us all wrong by dating a much older man we’d all drooled over one time or another. I was about to express my surprise until he elbowed Donovan, and they both laughed at what he said like it was a joke.

“Actually, we’re flying to L.A. early next week so Van can do reshoots with a different guy,” Kelly said to a chorus of boos.

I shot to my feet. “Hold on,nextweek?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Uh, have you all forgotten we’re coming up on spring break?”

Kelly frowned. “Well, yeah, that’s why we can go. So Van doesn’t have to miss any school days.”

“What about our trip?”

“What trip?”

Oh hell no.I fixed my gaze on Donovan. “Forget to tell your boyfriend about our yearly getaway?”

“No, but I don’t have control over when the freakin’ Olympic committee schedules their dates, East,” Donovan said. “But don’t worry, we’ll still do something huge for graduation.”

Even though I was annoyed, the thought of a massive blowout during the summer appeased me a little, and I nodded. “Fine. But since the rest of us are all here, we should finalize plans to leave this weekend. Now does anyone have a bright idea where to go, or should we just close our eyes and point to somewhere on a map?”

When the room went dead silent—suspiciously silent—I arched a brow.

“What, you need help finding a map? Just pull one up on the screen.” I gestured toward the TV, which was still paired to Gavin’s phone. “Gav, you do it.”

He blinked at me then looked over his shoulder at Daire and bit his lip. “Uh, actually, we’ll be in Florida all week. D’s got a big match on Wednesday, so we leave Friday. But all of you can come if you want?—”