And then there was Travis and Caleb, taking up opposite ends of the couch, Travis’s feet in Caleb’s lap, tossing grapes at each other to catch with their mouths like morons. Utter freakin’ morons.
I’d never felt like such an outsider in my entire life.
This is bullshit.
I let out a loud sigh. “Is there a reason I’m forced to be here for this suck-face party, or can I get on with more interesting plans?”
A grape hit the side of my face, and I turned and narrowed my eyes on the thrower. Caleb.
He smiled. “No one’s forcing you to be here, so maybe youshouldleave. I’m sure there’s a group of wannabes just dying for someone to boss them around.”
“I’ve already met my quota on dealing with idiots for today, but I’ll make an exception for you. Why don’t you fetch me a martini?”
“Only if you promise to drown in it,” he retorted.
“And give you the satisfaction? Not likely.”
“Guys, guys,” Gavin said, moving to block our views of each other. “Knock it off. I’m the one who invited you,allof you, because I knew Van wouldn’t do it.”
Donovan’s head shot up. “Do what?”
Gavin grinned, his smile as bright as his platinum hair, and then turned on the TV. “Something not even you’ve seen yet, big brother. Everyone, direct your eyes to the screen.”
“Oh shit, are we getting another Van and Kelly porn flick?” Travis scooted to the edge of the couch, forgetting all about the flying grapes—and his boyfriend’s big mouth.
“That would be afuck no,” Donovan said as he slid down from the counter. “You shouldn’t have gotten to see any in the first place.”
“It’s not my fault you and the monster cock over there couldn’t keep it in your pants.” Travis shrugged and scooted closer to Caleb. “Besides, Caleb wasn’t here for the viewing?—”
Caleb slapped a hand over his mouth. “And I’m totally fine with that. I’d rather not see my friends getting it on.”
“Nowthey’re your friends?” I scoffed. “After you dismissed all of us for years like some do-gooder ass?—”
“Shut up!” Gavin shouted, a sound I’d never actually heard come out of him before, and it was so surprising that everyone went dead silent. Except Daire. He chuckled to himself like he was proud of the effect he’d had on his boyfriend.
“And you all callmethe bad influence,” I said.
Gavin pointed at me. “East, I swear if you don’t keep your trap closed, I’ll have Travis bust out his design kit and sew your mouth shut with a dull needle.”
“Kinky.” I took a seat on the arm of the couch, mimicked zipping my lips, and waited not so patiently for Gavin to pull up whatever this little presentation was. If itwasanother Van and Kelly sex special, I couldn’t say I’d be disappointed. Those two were a special breed of hot.
An image popped up on the screen that warned anyone off from sharing, and Gavin paused the video. “Check this out. See if you notice any familiar faces.” He hit play, and the video transitioned into an image of the five joined Olympic rings.
“No way. Gav, how’d you get this?” Donovan said as he and Kelly both made their way into the living room. Clips of athletes from prior summer games flashed up on the screen, one after the other, each displaying different designs for their uniforms.
Gavin snorted. “Are you kidding? Dad has to approve everything for the network, remember, and that includes uniforms.”
“And he just gave it to you?”
“Well, no… I might’ve accidentally seen it when I used his computer the other day.”
“Damn, you really are turning delinquent, young Truitt,” I said, slow-clapping in approval. Stealing content from his head of cable TV father? Maybe it wasmyinfluence on him, not Daire’s.
“Holy shit,” Preston said, and I looked up to see Donovan and Kelly in the skimpiest red, white, and blue briefs I’d ever seen.Actually, Kelly was spilling out of his and had to turn away from the room full of people they were trying them on for.
“Which fucking sport is that one for?” Travis asked, wide-eyed.
“Diving,” Kelly said, his huge arms crossed over his chest as he watched the flurry of designers trying to find a way tosupporthim.