“Except the moment I came all over the two of them like that was part of the recruitment process.”
Archer coughed on the sip he’d just taken, sputtering, “What?”
I hadn’t meant to spring it on him like that, but there really wasn’t an easy segue into telling your longtime friend that you’d had sexual relations with the most irritating person in his boyfriend’s group of friends.
“I told you, they came looking for me to?—”
“Hook up, yes, I remember that. I just assumed you told them to get lost.”
It was a logical assumption, and exactly what Ishould’vedone. “They came to me all but begging for it. If I recall, even you had difficulties in the face of such temptation.”
Archer put his utensils down and picked up his napkin, brushing it over his mouth. “Low blow.”
“An accurate one, though. I had no idea when I recruited them what they were up to or why they’d tracked me down. But once I had a moment alone to talk to them…”
Archer raised a brow, and I reached for the bottle sitting on the table between us.
“…things took on a life of their own. One minute I was asking them what they’d been doing looking for me, the next they were confessing to wanting a threesome.”
“That ballsy little fucker. ItwasEast who spilled their secret, I’m assuming?”
“Yes, but it was Zac who wanted me to…” I waved my hand in the air.
“Wanted you to what?”
I leveled him with ayou know exactly whatlook.
“Well, well, well.” Archer laughed. “Look how the tables have turned.”
“They haven’t turned.” I poured myself another glass and gestured to Archer’s, but he quickly covered it.
“Oh no, I want to be sober enough to remember this tomorrow.”
“I didn’t fuck them, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“Ihave no idea what to think. You’re just full of surprises tonight.”
I picked up my knife and fork and cut another piece of meat. “I told them I’d watch them instead.”
Silence descended over the table, and then Archer leaned forward and said under his breath, “At the club?”
“Yes. In the throne room, bent over one of the benches, and now that’s all I can think about.”
Another deep, rumbling chuckle left Archer. “My man, what have you gotten yourself into?”
“You enjoying this?”
“Truthfully? Yes.” He sat back and shook his head. “Zac is gorgeous.”
My eyes narrowed.
“What? You think I don’t have eyes?”
“I think you already have one college-age boyfriend and should keep your eyes on him.”
“So onlyyou’reallowed to have two?”
“Are you trying to piss me off?”