“Of course. Whyelsewould I be here?”

“I have no idea. But if I recall, it was all you could do tomakeit to my class when it was assigned to you.”

“That’s true,” I said, running my eyes down over King’s long legs. “But that was before I knew how much you could teach me.”

He said nothing, instead choosing to turn and make his way back to the front of the lecture hall. But I wasn’t done with him yet. I wanted to know how this morning went with Zac. The poor guy had been a bundle of sexual nerves when I left him in the office he shared with Mr. Hardass, and I wanted to make sure he was still breathing.

After all, who was going to fuck me if Zac was dead from all the blood in his head pooling in his cock over his hottie professor?

As though he had eyes in the back of his head, King said, “You need to go to class, James.”

“I don’t, actually. Free period.”

“Two in a row?”

“Well, no, this period was with Livingston, but you’re so much moreeducationalto watch.”

King straightened with his laptop in hand, his eyes flashing with annoyance—and maybe a hint of arousal? It was hard to differentiate with him.

“Cut the crap. You need to go to class, now.”

“How about this? I’ll go to class when you tell me how your morning went with Zac.”


“Yes, you know the tall, lean guy with the sex hair and the glasses that make him look a little nerdy? The same guy who fu?—”

“Get to your point, James.”

“I was just wondering how he was doing? He was a little out of sorts this morning. Hotter than usual. Running a bit of a fever.”

King’s lips twitched at the side, and that told me all I needed to know. He’d noticed Zac’s behavior for himself. Of coursehe had—nothing got past King, and Zac’s emotions had been written all over his face.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He made a move toward the side door to leave, but I wasn’t letting him go now that I had him.

Who knew when I’d get another opportunity to ask him all the things on my mind? And if he wasn’t going to spill the beans on Zac, maybe I could get him talking about something else.

“No? I suppose you also have no memory of the secret underground—” Before I could even finish my thought, King strode back across the room, put his laptop on the lectern, and kept coming straight for me.

Shit. Oh shitballs.

In the blink of an eye, the look on his face had gone from amused annoyance to downright hostile. I backed up one, two, and then three steps, and my back met the wall.He moved a jean-clad leg on either side of me as he took a firm grip of my chin. Then he angled my face up toward his, and it felt as though the breath was knocked right out of me.

King had one of the most arresting faces I’d ever seen, and up close like this, all hostile like he wanted to throttle me, it was even more intense. My dick immediately stiffened, and my body’s reaction wasn’t lost on the man pinning me in place as a low curse left his mouth. I rocked up against him, and when King thrust forward to keep me in place, the steely length of his erection had me sucking in a breath. His eyes flashed fire, a warning to tread lightly or get burned. “You need to keep your mouth shut and remember who you’re talking to, little prince. I’m not just your professor.”

He let me go then, like I was the one burning him. Then he picked up his laptop and headed for the door, and all I could think was if King was trying to deter me, it wasn’t working. At all.He’d only made me more determined to get another night with the three of us.

And I wasn’t going to be denied.



I DRAINED THE rest of my Old Fashioned and tried to relax as I waited for my dinner partner to arrive, but tension coiled through every part of my body. It’d been building the last couple of days, and I couldn’t place the full blame on my packed schedule. Not when I’d made decisions recently that complicated both the personal and professional aspects of my life.

I rolled my shoulders and cracked my neck from side to side, and that, along with the alcohol, helped a little. It just didn’t do anything to stop the thoughts assaulting me at every turn. Didn’t relieve the confusion rattling around inside as I thought about things I shouldn’t. Namely, twopeopleI shouldn’t. There was no reason why any thought of what happened days ago should still be lingering. That wasn’t how I worked, not to mention, it was wrong.

Students. They’re stillstudentsat Astor.