“I thought you should know I have some intel.” He looked over his shoulder and then lowered his voice. “The kids, you know. They tell me things.”

Here we go.“Do they now?”

“I guess they feel they can confide in me, since I’m one of the favorites here.”

“Sure, sure.” I shifted my briefcase to my other hand and brushed by him, leaving him to trail after me.

“There’s rumors of a senior prank happening soon.”

“I imagine so. It’s the end of the year.”

“They said it was those prince troublemakers cooking something up.”

James Easton’s face flashed through my mind then, but it was an entirely inappropriate visual for where I was currentlystanding. As his former professor, I shouldn’t be thinking about him bent over naked while Zac plowed into him from behind?—

“Did you hear what I said?” Rathborne rudely interrupted.

“I did.”

“So what should we do about it?”

“About a harmless senior prank?” I said as we rounded the corner toward my office. “Nothing.”

“Nothing? Don’t you remember what those troublemakers did to the dean’s room? Or tying up those poor boys?—”

I whirled around and held my hand up. “Pure speculation on that last charge. Although from what I’ve witnessed, those ‘poor boys’ were entirely deserving of what they got.”


“I’m not here to discuss any more hearsay with you, Dennis, so unless you have something specific and more troubling than a senior prank, I suggest we both get on with our day.”

Rathborne’s cheeks flushed as he opened and shut his mouth like a fish, and when he couldn’t seem to form a response, I turned and made my way to my office.

The staff here gossiped more than the students, and it was East’s name, as well as those of his fellow princes, that came up the most often. Whoever would they talk about once they all graduated?

Again, East laid out beneath another naked, hard body assaulted my brain, and my hand hesitated on the door handle as the other man in the memory came into focus. The one who was probably already in my office.

Zac Fletcher.

The last thing I’d expected had been for Zac and East to confess their fantasy for me.

Strike that. The last thing I’d expected had been to give in to them in any way. It was a reckless action in the heat of a moment that never should’ve happened.

A moment that made me hard just thinking about it.

But that was then. It wasn’t anything that would bleed over into what happened between these walls. My life was full of carefully compartmentalized boxes, and I was a master of keeping them right where I wanted them.

I opened the door, and just like I’d expected, Zac was already inside, standing at the printer and pulling sheets off as they came through. He looked up as I shut the door behind me and nodded in acknowledgment.

“Morning, professor.”

“Good morning, Zac.”

He turned back to what he was doing like nothing had changed between Friday and now.

Very good.

“Is that this week’s schedule you’re getting together?” It was, I already knew that, but the last thing either of us needed this morning was an awkward silence.