Their reaction had me milking my dick for every last drop, wanting to give it all to them. Then I let go of myself, took each of their chins in hand, and said, “Now you can come, any way you like.”
They turned toward each other, and East was the first to move. He leaned over and licked a path up Zac’s cheek, tasting me in one of the most primal ways possible, before Zac grabbed the back of his neck and crushed their mouths together.
In a tangle of hands, lips, and cocks they rubbed up against each other in a frenzied friction, each driving the other closer and closer to the edge until Zac ripped his mouth free of East’s and twin curses ricocheted around this secret room that had just become a secret for a wholenewslew of reasons.
MY STOMACH WAS a ball of nerves and hot anticipation as I walked into Astor on Monday morning. With every step, the thought of seeing King again sent mixed messages through my body, and of course it was my dick that was the most thrilled. How could it not be after what we’d done?
I forced in a strangled breath, tightening my fist around the strap of my bag as I made my way through the students milling around before classes. I knew I needed to flip the switch before I got to our shared office, to pretend like nothing had happened now that we were at school. Neither East nor I were supposed to acknowledge anything about Friday night, which meant King would be doing the same.
How the hell was I going to look at him and forget, though? The whole secret society thing was huge on its own and would’ve taken all my attention the last few days, but I couldn’t even process that right now. Not when King,myProfessor Kingston, the man I’d always been infatuated by and thought of as this impenetrable force, had shown his mutual attraction by coming all over us. We’d gotten himthatturned on.
I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was a man obsessed. All I could feel was the way he’d watched East and I fuck. How it’donly ramped up how good the sex had been in a way I didn’t think was possible. And then…
King unzipping his pants. Pulling out his cock. His hot cum raining down on our skin?—
“You are so fucked.”
East’s voice jerked me out of the memory I’d been reliving over and over again, and I blinked.“What?”
He reached for my arm and pulled me aside. “You need to fix your face and act like King didn’t come all over it. You think I’m not doing the same thing over here? The only difference is, I’m not showing it. So fix. Your. Face.”
God. He made it sound so easy. Like sitting across from King and trying to concentrate on grading papers rather than his delicious dick was going to be a walk in the park.
News fucking flash, it was going to be hard as hell—in the literal sense.
“You think that’s theonlydifference? What about the fact that you don’t have to sit in a confined space with him and act like he hasn’t seen you?—”
“Fuck another one of his students like you’re a goddamn porn star? And trust me, I should know—my friend’s dating one.”
I let out a sigh and rubbed the bridge of my nose.
“I think that’s a plus, personally,” East continued. “I mean, clearly you impressed the guy. He came all over us.”
“East,” I hissed, dropping my hand so I could glare him in the eye. “Would you try to be serious for a second?”
“Why? You’re busy enough being serious for the both of us.” He leaned his shoulder against the wall and cocked his head. “All I’m saying is, lighten up a bit. Try to remember that everything we did, weallwanted. He’s not going to act weird, so why should we? In fact, he’s probably going to act like it didn’t happen at all.”
Which was the part that was bothering me the most. How could I just forget one of the hottest nights of my life?
“Yeah, you’re right. I just need to forget it.”
“That’s right. It’s a secret, remember?Secretsociety.”
“I don’t actually think that applies tothatportion of the evening.”
“Well, just pretend it did. We signed an NDA and now we have to forget about it. Unless of course he decides to bend you over his desk today. Then you better come and get me.”
I shoved him back out into the hall and continued toward the office, and to my surprise, East tagged along beside me. We usually kept our distance in the illustrious halls of Astor, but it seemed he was after a little company this morning too. Or perhaps someone who had shared the same experience he had this past Friday.
I eyed his profile as he casually strode down the hall and wondered what it would feel like to possess one ounce of the ease with which he navigated the world.
“Your friends ask you where you disappeared to Friday?”