King’s shoulders stiffened, that impressive robe flowing down around his broad shoulders like a waterfall as he moved directly in front of East.
“No, James. This is not a sex club. It’s a place that requires you to think before you open your mouth, and you respect that you are not above the rules set in place. Is that something you think you’re capable of?”
I could tell by King’s tone he was highly doubtful, and with good reason. He knew East and had reprimanded him more times than I could count. So what in the hell made him think East was about to change now?
That rumbly, cock-stroking tone might do it.
“I guess.” East tried to peer around King’s shoulders, but it was no use. The guy was built like a brick wall. “If I don’t you’ll just kick me out, right? I won’t go missing or anything?”
King’s jaw twitched once, twice, and then he took a step toward East, and I sucked in a breath.
“Thisis not a game. It is not some joke or one of your silly schoolboy pranks. In here, you will show respect or you will be shown the door. So I’m going to ask you again: are you capable of following the rules?”
My eyes darted between East and King, and I saw the way East’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, the air in the room growing thick with tension as the two squared off. But not even East could deny the power King exuded in that moment, and quickly backed down.
“Yes. I can follow the rules.”
King’s eyes narrowed. “We’ll see. Stand there and don’t talk again until you are told to. It’s Zac’s turn.”
Though there was nothing sexual in what King said, my dick stood up as though it were ready to shake his hand.
Please don’t look below my waist. Please don’t look below my waist.
King moved in front of me, and while my first instinct was to lower my gaze, I didn’t want his to follow. So instead, I stared him directly in the eye.
That was a mistake, a monumental fucking mistake, because his intense gaze had my cock throbbing even harder.
“Zac.” King’s voice was completely different as my name rolled off his tongue, the gravelly cadence like the purr of a contented animal.
Oh God, now I was thinking of him like some sort of beast I wanted to pet.Get a grip, Zac.
“Now, I know you can follow rules, specifically ones I set for you.”
That clinched it. Everything he said sounded sexual. My brain had short-circuited somewhere around the moment hetook his mask and hood off and revealed himself as a hell of a lot more than my professor.
“So we don’t need to go over that. But tell me, do you have a question you’d like to ask?”
A question… A question…
“Why me?”
King’s lips crooked up at the side, and my heart almost stopped. “Whynotyou?”
I studied him for a moment, and the only sound in the room was the blood ringing in my ears as I dared to say, “That’s not an answer…sir.”
“No, it is not.” He glanced down my body, and there was no way to hide what I knew he would see, so I didn’t even try. “But I never promised you an answer. I just said you could ask a question.”
When those dark eyes traveled back up to lock with mine, I could’ve sworn I saw a flicker of…interestthere. But then it was gone.
King moved back to his original position between East and me, the six figures behind him as silent and still as statues.
“Do I have your attention now, gentlemen?”
We nodded, not daring to speak until we were told to, and the fact that East remained silent spoke volumes as to how much he wanted whatever it was King was offering.
“So, should we continue this conversation, or would you like to leave?”