“Good, then turn your head.”
I turned away from him, staring out at the city lights flashing by in a blur, and as they disappeared behind the black silky fabric, I swallowed. My stomach flipped as East knotted the blindfold at the back of my head.
“Ready or not, it’s time to go down the rabbit hole, Alice.”
THIS BLINDFOLD BETTER mean there’s about to be some kinky fuckery going down.
I didn’t usually give anyone else control—well, outside of the bedroom—which was the only reason I’d agreed to sign my life away and sit in the back of this insanely expensive limo…blindfolded.
Zac wasn’t wrong—therewasa high possibility we were being driven to some dingy warehouse over by the Hudson River where we could be tied up and held for ransom. But I was betting on my prediction being likelier. The one that made the most sense, considering the lengths our hosts, whoever they were, had gone to in an effort to seduce us.
A sex club.
Besides, if someone was out to kidnap me, why would Zac be here too? Yes, I was almost certain I was right, and if I wasn’t—well, my father had enough money to pay my ransom.
As the limo continued on, I let my mind go wild with possibilities. If this was indeed a sex club, it wouldn’t be the first I’d gone to. It was the most unique, though, and I would be sure to let them know that. It was always important to be a standoutin Manhattan, and I was sure the owners would appreciate my feedback.
“I’ve never heard you this quiet before,” Zac said. “Having second thoughts?”
“Not one. You?”
“Only about a million.”
That was hardly a surprise. Zac was a worrier by nature, which was cute, when he wasn’t rushing my orgasm or abruptly ending his own. Which is why we’d—for the most part—kept our hookups off campus.
Until our recent run-in with Professor Kingston.Whoops.
“Well, stop. If worse comes to worst, they’ll add some handcuffs and call my father.”
“Now that reallywouldbe worse if this is a sex club.”
“Ah, I see you’re not worried enough to have lost your sense of humor. Imeant, they would call him to procure our release.”
I could almost hear Zac’s eyes roll as the limo drew to a stop.
The driver’s door was opened, and my ears pricked up, wondering if I could somehow work out where we were by ambient sounds. But then I realized this wasn’t a movie and I needed to stop being so damn ridiculous.
“Did you hear that?”
Seemed I wasn’t the only one imagining I had superhuman hearing. “What?”
“We’ve stopped. He got out. I can hear him walking around?—”
The door beside Zac opened and a rush of cool night air entered the limo. “We’ve arrived,” the driver said. “Keep your blindfolds on or this ends.”
No problem there. I’d gotten out of enough limos in my life to gracefully make my exit, even blindfolded. Zac, on the other hand…
“Shit.” There was a thud and then another curse as he moved ahead of me.
“Careful. You don’t want the only bruises you get tonight to be from being unable to get out of the vehicle.”
Zac threw another curse over his shoulder, clearly directed at me, and kept moving, eventually stumbling his way outside.
I felt for the door opening and carefully stepped out, but a gust of cold wind nearly knocked me over, and I smashed into Zac. His hands caught me by the waist, and lingered there as I found my footing.