“Who is the offer from?” I asked.
“Can you at least tell me where I’ll be going?”
The driver simply looked at me, staying silent.What was so confidential he couldn’t tell me?
He glanced at his watch, then at me, and when I didn’t make a move to get in, he straightened his cap and started to walk off.
“Wait,” I said. This was insane. I knew that. But damn if curiosity—and the amazing limo—didn’t win out over my rationality.
I started toward the car, and he opened the door, letting me inside, but the second I realized I wasn’t the only one he’d picked up tonight, the door was slammed shut behind me.
“What the hell?” I was still half standing as I stared at East, who had his feet kicked up on the reclining seat, lounging there like he owned the place.
Shit,didhe own it?
The way his eyes widened when he saw me, though, told me that he hadn’t been expecting me.
“Well, well, well.” He held up his invitation. “I’m guessing you didn’t send this?”
“Uh, no. How do I knowyoudidn’t send it?”
“Because while I’m all about a good prank, I know I can get your ass for free. I wouldn’t shell out half a mill for the pleasure.”
“Half a mill?”
“The car.” East gestured to the luxurious inside of the vehicle. “That’s what one of these costs.”
Fucking hell, was he serious? Half a million dollars? For acar? I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised, considering East, but I didn’t run with that crowd. There was no way someone was sending a car like this for me.
“Are you going to sit down or stand the entire way?”
I took a seat in the empty recliner and eyed him across the teched-out console that had every bell and whistle known to man. Including a digital screen and a spot for our drinks.
Across from us were two more recliners and a makeshift bar with a bottle of champagne on ice and a crystal decanter filled with what I assumed was top-shelf whiskey.
“All right, out with it,” I said, still not convinced this wasn’t all East’s doing. “Where are we going?”
“I told you, I’m as clueless as you are.”
“So you, James Easton, the son of one of the wealthiest men in Manhattan, willingly climbed into a vehicle not having a clue where it was taking you?”
East seemed to ponder that for a moment, and just as he was about to answer, the Phantom purred to life and pulled away from the curb.
“What can I say? It seemed like a good adventure.”
“A good adventure?” I shook my head at his blasé tone. “What if someone is trying to kidnap you? Or do something nefarious?”
East let out a loud scoff. “Then looks like you’re coming along for the ride. Remember, we didchooseto be here. That was what was written on the invitation.”
“Something they might’ve known you couldn’t resist.”
“Oh for the love of— Are you going to be a Debbie Downer all night? Because if so, I’m going to ask our driver to stop and kick you out.Ichose to be here because I was looking for something exciting to do with my evening—other than you, of course.”
I rolled my eyes and sat back. “Of course. All I’m saying is, how do you know wherever we’re being taken is safe?”
“How doyou? How about you turn off that big brain of yours and enjoy whatever is about to happen. Clearly you showed up because you were curious, so don’t get all rational on me now.”