I slipped my hands into my pockets, and when East’s eyes fell below my belt, I scoffed. “Yes, that’s very clear.”
East rolled his eyes and turned back to the seemingly impenetrable door, not about to concede defeat. He straightened his shoulders as though he were about to go into battle and raised his arm to knock again.
The small panel opened, brown eyes once again peering out at East as he tried what I assumed was his usual plan B.
“I’m sorry, but maybe you didn’t catch the name? James Easton. Cover fees are no issue, my friend. I’ve got mine and my guest’s, no problem.”
If it had been anyone but East begging to be let in somewhere I might’ve felt sorry for what was clearly about to be round two of rejection. But itwasEast, and I couldn’t help but enjoy this unlikely turn of events.
The panel slammed shut—again.
East cocked his head to the side as he stared at the shut door, and I couldn’t help but wonder how many doorshe’dslammed in people’s faces. Maybe this would be a good wake-up call, letting him know that you couldn’t always get what you want because of who you were.
“This is unbelievable.” He shook his head and turned back to face me, a confused look on his face. “Are they even hearing my name?”
Or maybe not.
“I’m pretty sure they can hear you. You’re standing right in front of them.”
“Then explain why they aren’t opening the door.”
I shrugged, enjoying his bewilderment a little too much. “I don’t know, maybe they don’t want to?”
“They don’t want to? Really? This is a club, for fuck’s sake. Pretty sure they want business, Zac.”
“Did it ever occur to you that they just don’t want yours?”
“No. Everyone wants my business. This doorman or guard dog must be new to New York. Maybe I need to be more aggressive.”
“More aggressive?”
“Yes. Clearly my charm and money haven’t impressed him. Maybe I just need to be direct.”
Oh God, I couldn’t even begin to imagine what East planned to say next. But as he steeled his shoulders like a man on a mission, I braced myself.
After a much heavier knock, the panel slid open, and while all I could see were the eyes, I could’ve sworn they looked…annoyed.
This wasn’t going to end well for East.
“Clearly you’re new in town, so I won’t tell your boss about this little mix-up. But if you could please let Tyrone Kingston know that James Easton would like access to the club, he can vouch for me.”
That ballsy motherfucker. Did he seriously just throw out King’s name like he was expecting us? The arrogance East exuded was mind-blowing and awe-inspiring at the same time.What did he plan to do if we did get inside? If we did see King? Just walk up and tell him we were there to fuck him?
I wouldn’t put it past him. But I thought he was going to be a little stealthier about it, that he’d have an actual plan.
Several seconds passed, then: denied. The panel slammed shut for a third time, and when several more seconds passed and nothing came of his request, East began to knock on the door again.
Nothing. The panel didn’t even open this time.
He tried again, and again, until he was knocking incessantly and finally I had to stop him. I reached for his hand, halting it as his knuckles were about to meet with the wood, and shook my head like one might at a petulant child.
“No more,” I said, tugging him back from the door. “It’s over. It was a good try, but it seems this is one placetheJames Easton can’t talk or buy his way into.”
East’s chin kicked up, his eyes shifting past my shoulder back to the door. “I don’t accept that.”
“Then you can spend the rest of the night out here on the street.” I turned on my heel, about to go and track down a ride home, when I heard my name.
East was still standing in front of the building, a baffled expression plastered all over his features. “I don’t understand what just happened.”