I HAD TO hand it to East. The guy made things happen in a way I’d never seen before. I’d grown up around money, so it wasn’t like I hadn’t seen my fair share of wheeling and dealing, but the power East wielded at such a young age was staggering. I didn’t even want to know how he’d managed to find information on King, or how he planned to get us inside the building, much less how we’d make a move.
But he’d told me to let him handle it all and to show up looking “sexy as fuck” in all black and ready for a wild night, so…there I was, waiting on the corner with my hands in the pockets of my tailored slacks and wondering if I was about to have the best time of my life or if this was all a monumental mistake.
I’d barely been able to look at King at school earlier, feeling like he’d see right through me or catch sight of the hard-on I’d sported just thinking about touching him. He’d been the star of my fantasies from the second I walked into his class years ago, and it’d only gotten worse. Now I knew how his deep voice sounded when he said my name. Knew the smell of his skin when he was close enough to touch. Watched the way he moved when his back was turned.
As confident as I felt about my skill between the sheets, though, there’d been no way in hell I was going to make a move on King, and he definitely wasn’t looking my way.So really, I should be thanking East if this whole thing actually went down.
“Sexy as fuck indeed,” East said from behind me, and let out a low whistle. “I should tell you how to dress more often.”
He strolled in my direction with that ever-present smirk on his face, his black dress shirt unbuttoned down his chest. It was definitely not the pompous look I was accustomed to seeing, other than his perfectly smooth dark hair, and he looked really damn good, hardly like the uptight guy I knew—though he was still running his mouth in a way that made me want to fill it with my cock.
“Wow, look at you showing your neck,” I said. “That’s a first for you, huh?”
“All the better for you and our conquest to suck it.”
“That’s presumptuous, considering you’ll be busy on your knees.Ifwe can even get in this place.”
East closed the gap between us until we were toe to toe. “Betting against me? I thought you were supposed to be a smart guy.”
“I showed up here, didn’t I? Even though this whole plan is insane.”
“Feel free to leave. You’ll miss out on a glorious night you’ll never forget, but if you want to be a lame-ass?—”
“All right, all right.” He was so close I fisted his shirt in my hands to keep him right where I wanted him. Leaning in, I ghosted my lips over his—also a good way to shut him up—and said, “You win. Now show me what you’re made of,East.”
He grinned against my mouth before going to kiss me, but I took a nip of his lower lip before pushing him away.
“Get me King and maybe I’ll let you have another taste.”
Arousal flickered in his eyes. “Challenge accepted.”
East headed in the direction of a plain black door that had no signage, no adornments, nothing to indicate what it was. I wouldn’t have even noticed it was there with the way it blended in with the building around it, and maybe that was the point. No one would give it a second glance. But what the hell was waiting inside?
Anticipation flooded my body, because holyshit, what was about to go down tonight? Besides me, if East delivered.
He came to a stop in front of the door and looked around for the buzzer system, but there was nothing to indicate a way in. So he knocked, three loud pounds on the door with his fist, and when a full minute went by with our standing there in silence, he did it again.
“Maybe no one’s home.” I smirked.
He shot me a glare over his shoulder and knocked again.A small panel at eye height opened suddenly. A pair of brown eyes, the rest of the face hidden behind a mask, appeared through the thin slot. Whoever it was didn’t say a word, but East was ready to charm his way past them.
Or what he considered to be charming and disarming, anyway.
A self-important smile curved his lips. “James Easton, and I’ve brought a guest.”
That was it. That was all he said. Like his name was enough to gain us entry. Something that must usually work, considering he was an almost nightly VIP guest of all the hottest clubs and events in this city.
The eyes behind the door didn’t blink, only stared at East before flicking to me briefly, and then back again.
The panel slammed shut and East turned back to me. “See, what’d I tell you? We’re in.”
I looked to thestill-closed door, then back to East’s slipping smirk. “Maybe they’re having trouble with the locks?”
The death rays that shot from his eyes made me chuckle. “I just want you to know these smartass remarks of yours make you a little less attractive.”