Kristóf stood and flicked through the photos until he got to several at the back that I hadn’t seen, andholy hell,if I thought he looked fine in a camel-colored trench coat, these photos were the ones I was going to keep under my pillow.

The navy suit with the low-cut vest left King’s white wide-collar shirt open all the way down to mid-sternum, andGodwhat I wouldn’t give to lick a path over the muscular chest it revealed.

I knew the professor was fucking fine, but wherever he was going dressed like that, he was clearly out to impress.

“Uh, Mr. Easton?”

I shook myself out of my sex daze, trying to keep control of the visions I was now having of that version of King fucking Zac and then me, but it was growingharderby the second.

“Mr. Easton?”

There you go, focus on Harry. Concentrate on how he’sstillcalling you something that reminds you of your father.

Perfect, hard-on avoided.

“How many times have I told you, Harry? It’s East.”

“Uh, sorry.” Harry’s cheeks turned crimson as he gestured to the screen. “But…there’s nothing on this place.”

“What do you mean, nothing? How do you get in? What is it?”

“I…I don’t know. Maybe it’s through connections?”

“Well, Ihaveconnections. My name alone opens any door in the city.”

Harry just looked up at me, blinking behind his glasses.

“You need to dig harder,” I said. “You’re supposed to be the best at this.”

“I’ve run several searches, legal and not so. There’s nothing. Whatever it is, they don’t want to be found.”

A private, exclusive club that doesn’t want to be found. That King belongs to? Maybe it’s a sex club?

Now that was intriguing and could work in my favor.

“And the men?” I turned back to Kristóf. “They were all dressed like King?”

“Pretty much so.”

“Hmm.” My brain on overdrive now, I started to make plans for Friday and how we could get access to a place that seemingly didn’t exist. But I would not be deterred. I’d told Zac I would make this happen, and now that I had enough information needed to accomplish that goal, itwouldbe done.

Plus, if we got in front of King in a sex club, would he really say no? I was a betting man, and I’d put good money on the fact he wouldn’t be able to resist us.Besides, who could ever say no to James Easton?

“Right,” I said, then drained the rest of my drink dry. “I believe we’re done here. You may leave.”

I gave a curt nod, then shooed them out with a wave of my hand. As the door shut behind them, I took the folder back to my bedroom and settled in on my bed, flipping it open to stare at King’s serious expression.

“What kind of secrets are you hiding?”

I ran a finger down that open shirt of his, imagining it was my tongue.

It was quite the mystery, this secret spot in Manhattan, one that had my curiosity at an all-time high, since I’d thought I knew every club—secret or otherwise—in this city. But it seemed our inscrutable professor knew something I didn’t, and that just wouldn’t do.

Gaining entry would be a challenge, but I always got what I wanted.

I scooped up my phone and, uncaring of the time, shot a message to Zac with the time and place, as well a delicious little tease.

Tomorrow night. Be ready to serve your King.