“Just because I don’t say the word often?—”

“Ever,” King said, taking his robe from the hanger he’d hooked onto his coat rack.

“Okay,ever. Doesn’t mean I haven’t realized what this is or what I want and don’t want. And just like you”—I ran my hand down King’s arm as I passed him by—“I don’t want anyone touching your big poppa cock except me and Zac.”

Zac’s lips twitched as he shook his head at me.

“What? That would make this a relationship, right? Exclusivity?”

“Well done,” Zac said, in full teacher’s assistant mode. “Maybe I should have you write a paper on it.”

I put a hand on his chest and leaned up to nip at his lower lip. “Only if I get to thoroughly research the subject. You know, study dates, tutoring with my professor…”

King chuckled, and when I glanced over my shoulder to see him draped in black and pulling up the zipper, I licked my lips.

“If we promise to wear only ascots tonight, can you take us wearing that—andonlythat?”

King inclined his head. “I believe I can make that happen.Ifyou manage to behave yourself for the rest of the day.”

“Since that’s only about two more hours, consider me a fucking Boy Scout.”

“I can’t exactly imagine you as a Boy Scout.”

“No? What about a member of some all-powerful secret society?”

King looked between the two of us, his expression turning serious. “You’re not ready yet. Remember, patienceisa virtue.”

“Well, since Zacispatient, does that mean he’s ready?”

“He told us we wouldn’t know anything until we graduate,” Zac pointed out.

“Which is today. So is there something we should be doing? Some kind of quest or trial by fire to move this along?”

“You’ll know when you’re supposed to know,” King said.

I let out an exasperated groan. “Okay, cryptic Batman.”

“Just because you’re sleeping in my bed, doesn’t mean I’m about to give up all my secrets, little prince.”

“You give up nothing.”

King smirked. “Just my body and my heart.”

I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not, but the waymyheart responded to that declaration was to skip a couple of extra beats.

“Come on, you need to get into your robe,” Zac said as he fastened his and then reached for mine. I slipped my arms inside the garment and pulled the zipper up, and once we were allwearingwaytoo many layers for my liking, Zac reached for the door.

“Hey, before we go—” The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could seem to stop them, and Zac paused and turned back to face me.“I just wanted to, you know…” I glanced back at King. “I wanted to thank you both for being here for me over the last couple of months, but especially when my father was hauled off in handcuffs.”

Zac reached for my hand. “We wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else.”

“Zac’s right.” King came over to us and cupped our faces. “I don’t know how the two of you managed to?—”

“Seduce you into loving us?” I said flippantly, before realizing exactly what I’d said.

Zac’s head whipped in my direction, and King’s eyes seemed to glimmer at me. “Isthatwhat I’m doing?”

“I… Uh… I don’t know. I’m the last person who would know.”