I mean, did anyone really doubt it? I was James Easton, the leader of the Park Avenue Princes, and today I was about to leave Astor the way it was always intended—on fucking top.

I glanced at the clock, making sure I hadn’t messed up the time, but no. I was exactly where I’d been told to be with a couple of minutes to spare. So where the hell were they?

I locked the door and wandered around the office, looking at the desk I knew was Zac’s—to be vacated after today—and wondered how our illustrious professor was feeling about that. It was the end of an era of sorts, and as I made my way to King’s desk, I decided it was time to go out with a bang.

After all, I was here to get ready, right? I might as well help along the process if those two were running late.

With a mischievous grin, I kicked out of my Italian loafers and unbuttoned my pants before stripping them off. Then I made quick work of my shirt and laid both pieces of clothing over the back of the chair, which I pulled out and took a seat in.

I’d barely had time to straighten my ascot and kick my feet up on the desk when the handle of the door moved, then paused, before it was unlocked.

As ProfessorKingston’sbroad shoulders filled the doorway, I slipped my hands behind my head, displaying my body to his hungry gaze.

“You’re late,” I told him in the most professional tone I could muster while wearing my boxer briefs and ascot.

“So I am,” King said as he stepped aside, and Zac followed in after him with two hangers that held our graduation robes.

“Holy shit, East.” Zac quickly shut the door and turned the lock. “What are you doing?”

“Waiting,which is not something I’m good at or accustomed to.”

“Impatience is not a virtue.” King smirked as he came over to me, and I kicked my legs off the desk and wrapped them around his thighs, caging him in.

“I don’t think you’re with me for my virtues. Maybe my lack of them.”

King’s hands went to the arms of the chair, and he leaned in like he was going to kiss me, but at the last second he turned his head so that my lips grazed his stubbled cheek. Then he slipped a finger beneath my ascot and said, “You were supposed to meet us already dressed.”

“Oh, my bad.” I gave him a cheeky grin. “I thought you told me to meet you togetdressed. I just assumed you wanted the honor.”

I moved his hand on top of my dick, and Zac snorted out a laugh.

“I told you we should’ve tied him up somewhere so he couldn’t get into trouble before the ceremony.” He lifted the plastic from over the robes and then set them on the door hanger. “By the way, you do have to actually wear clothes under your robe. Don’t even think about freeballing.”

“Damn. I was hoping for astiffwind to give everyone a show.”

King gave my cock a gentle squeeze that I arched into, and then he brushed his lips over mine. “How about we keep what’s mine private, hmm?”

“So possessive. You two just want to keep me all to yourselves,” I said, as his mouth grazed over my cheek, my jaw, before he pressed a kiss beneath my ear.

Zac buttoned the collar of his shirt and reached for the tie he’d brought with him. “You got a problem with that?”

“No. Just curious if, once we leave Astor for good, you plan to show me off in public. Iamquite the catch.”

“You won’t be leaving anywhere for good if you don’t get dressed.” King straightened and tapped my legs, and I dropped my feet to the floor. “Up.”

“Yes, Professor Kingston,” I drawled as I stood up from the chair. But then King fingered the silk at my neck and cocked his head.

“Make sure you’re wearing this tonight. Only this.” His eyes darkened as he walked over to Zac. “You too.”

“If that’s what you want, sir,” Zac said, dropping his hands when King took over knotting his tie.

With an exaggerated sigh, I tugged my pants back on and slipped into my button-up. “I can’t believe you’re asking me to put clotheson. We’re really going backward in this relationship.”

“Can you believe he’s actually saying that word without having to down half a bottle of tequila first?” Zac cracked to King.

“I heard that,” I said.

“You were supposed to.” Zac reached for one of the robes and pulled it off the hanger. “I wanted to make sure you didn’t bolt for the door when I pointed it out to you.”