It was a shame King wasn’t here to celebrate, but that might’ve proven too much of a shock to the guys’ systems. As it was, they hadn’t yet seen that Zac was there too, having disappeared behind the bar before they arrived. I didn’t know what he’d gone to do, but if he didn’t hurry back, he was going to have to play catch-up, because I was already feeling the tequila’s effects.

I poured a mouthful for Gavin and then tipped the spout into my mouth to finish off the bottle.

“Looks like I arrived just in time.” Zac’s words met my ears before I saw him, and someone in the group cursed.

“You’ve gotta be shittin’ me.” That was Travis.

Zac held up a couple more bottles of tequila and winked. “Mind if I join you?”

“Yes,” Daire said automatically.

“When you bring me gifts like that, I suppose I can’t deny you.” I jumped off the table to lift the VIP rope. “But first, you have to pay the toll.”

“The toll, huh?” The mischievous glint in Zac’s eyes told me we were both on the same wavelength, and he proved that point when his lips crashed down on mine.

“Dead,” Donovan said from somewhere behind us. “I’m dead. Hell has officially frozen over.”

“I knew there was some hate fucking going on,” Travis added.

Preston snorted. “Bullshit. You didn’t have a clue.”

“Hello? I’m the master of hate fucking turned into relationships. Have youmetCaleb?”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, ‘relationship’? This is East we’re talking about,” Gavin said. “Say that word around him and he’ll break out in hives. Clearly they’re just hooking up.”

“Wanna put a bet on that?” West replied. Of course his mind had gone right to using his inside knowledge to get a leg up.

I gave one final nip to Zac’s lower lip and pulled away to open the rope. “Toll paid in full. You may enter, you sexy fucker. I’ll take these.” I plucked the bottles out of his hands and set them on the table. It wasn’t until I looked up that I noticed the way the guys had all gone silent and stared between me and Zac like we’d both grown three heads.“Admiring the view?” I asked.

“We might,” Travis said. “If we knew what the fuck we were looking at.”

“I always questioned your intelligence when you went back to Caleb. But the rest of you lovesick idiots should be able to tell when someone has a new man in their life.”

Their deer-in-headlights expressions were extremely satisfying after my having to put up with their nauseating displays of affection over the last year or so. It was about timeIwas disgustingly over the top with the PDA, and the alcohol wasn’t helping to restrain me.

“Oh? Is that what I am?” Zac said by my ear.

“Is that a problem?” I whispered.

“Definitely not.”

“Good, because I’m sick of keeping you a secret.”

Zac’s eyes darkened and just when I was about to suggest he take me somewhere private, I heard, “Are we sure he gave us a shot of tequila and not absinthe? Because I could’ve sworn East just confessed to being in a relationship withZac.”

“That I did, Young Truitt,” I said, turning back to face my shell-shocked friends. “I’m told that’s what one becomes when you stop and talk to each other after having a really great fuck.”

“Oh my God.” JT buried his face in West’s neck.

“I’m sorry, Golden Boy, was I suppose to say we recite poetry to each other?”

Zac snorted and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “Your mouth is?—”

“One of the things you like best about me?”

“That, but I was going to say ‘out of control tonight.’”

“Nah.” West chuckled, eyeing his friend. “He’s just back to his usual self. Gotta say, I kind of missed him.”