Actually, fuck that.

“You’re not against threesomes, are you?” I said.

Zac shifted his hips in a way that told me everything. “See? Greedy. You’re a greedy little fucker.”

“So that’s a yes to my plan?”

“That’s a hell yes. I’m in.”

“Well, if all goes accordingly,Kingwill actually be in, but good to know.”

And it was. Really damn good to know.



“UM. SO YOU’RE looking for…uh, what exactly?” Harry, our trusty little hacker nerd, pushed his glasses up his nose and looked up at me from the couch in the condo that I shared with West.

“Anything you can find on Tyrone Kingston that I can use to my advantage. The more indecent, the better.”

Harry frowned. “As in Professor Kingston?”

“The same.” Resting back on my elbow along the kitchen island, I lifted my vodka martini to my lips and took a long draw of the chilled liquor. When Harry bit down on his lip, I lowered my glass. “Is there a problem?”

“Well, no, it’s just…”

“Spit it out, Harry. I don’t have all night.”

He licked his lips in the way I’d come to recognize as a nervous habit after having him at the princes’ beck and call over the last two years. The kid could find anything on anyone, which made him an asset I fully used to my advantage.

“It’s usually other students you want information on, is all. Not teachers.”

“Please tell me you’re not having a crisis of conscience.” I pushed off the island and crossed the room toward him. “I don’tpay you to ask questions unless you want to know how fast and how much I need. Are we clear?”

Harry snapped his mouth shut, nodded, and got to typing.

“Good little hacker,” I murmured, and took another sip as the door opened and West stepped inside the condo. JT-less, thank God.

He kicked his chin up at me in greeting and held the door open wide. “Found this one downstairs asking to be let up. Know him?”

A fifty-something, short, balding man appeared in the doorway, and just like that, my plans were finally coming together. It’d been a little over a week since I’d told Zac to leave this King scheme in my hands, but I needed a bit more intel before I could begin to make moves.

“Ah, good, you’re all here,” I said. “Take a seat by Harry.”

Harry waved at the investigator I’d hired to follow King around for the week, and as he took a seat, I went to the bar for a refill.

West followed me. “What are you up to?”

“A late night study hang. Obviously.”

“Bullshit. What prank are you pulling and why don’t I know about it?”

I poured a bit of vodka into a shaker, set it aside, and then reached for the vermouth. “Aww, feeling left out?”

“Just curious. You haven’t mentioned anything about a senior prank, and I know you like to take all the credit.”

I tossed a handful of ice in the shaker and shook my head. “Nothing epic planned at the moment, but you’ll be the first to know.”