“As Batman?”
My body shook with laughter as I smoothed my hands up his back. “Yes, and as Batman.”
“Aha, so you admit it.” He grinned, and I couldn’t help pressing a kiss to those curved lips.
“I admit nothing, except wanting you to succeed. You’re so smart and curious, tenacious and resourceful in a way that will only develop with age. There’s no end to your potential. Just like there’s no expiration on this offer.”
“So even with my all my father’s issues, you’d still want to work with me?”
“And what about that other...secretthing. Is that still...?”
His words trailed off, but we both knew what he was asking. Would his father’s crimes preclude him from being recruited?
“Yes. We still want you.”
“We?” I could see he wanted to ask more, but I was proud of the fact he was trying to be discreet with his questions. A week ago he would’ve just blurted them out, to hell with the consequences.
“Yes. Any decisions made are done so as a collective. Not through a dictatorship.”
“And you’ve already discussed this?”
“Yes. So even if this—whatever this is between the three of us—ends, you’ll still have a bright future ahead of you.”
“Ifit ends?” East ran a hand down from my neck to rest it on my chest. “I thought you said that was the smart thing to do?”
“And I thoughtyousaid you didn’t cuddle?” I wrapped my arms around his waist and tugged him forward, nuzzling his neck. “In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t really care about being smart anymore. You?”
East leaned back and looked into my eyes. “I never claimed to be smart. That’s Zac…”
He let go of me and moved off my lap, walking to the door, and just when I thought he might fully shut me down, he stopped and turned back to look at me.
“But I sure as fuck love the way you two cuddle. See you tonight, professor.”
“LET’S GO OVER your roles for this little visit, shall we?” East turned in the front passenger seat of yet another of King’s cars. “Since it’s probably not wise to introduce you to my mother as ‘men I like to fuck,’ considering she’s met you both at school functions in a different, more professional capacity, I’ve given you new characters.”
“Oh God.” I groaned and slumped in the back seat. “I don’t know what’s worse, King. That we’re just ‘men East likes to fuck’ or that he’s creating a play in his mind.”
King slowed to a stop at the red light and met my eyes in the rearview mirror. “As long as we’re not asked to do accents. I can’t say I’ve ever been good at them.”
“No? I bet you’d sound hot doing a Boston accent.”
“Hello?” East pointed at me and then King with a stern finger. “Neither of you are doing accents. In fact, feel free not to say much at all.”
“Gonna gag us with an ascot to keep us quiet?” I grinned.
“Don’t tempt me,” East said, and then paused. “Actually, tempt me later.”
“Good. Now, if my mother asks, Zac, you’re my friend who’s with me for emotional support. King, you’re coming in an advisory capacity, since obviously I’d listen to what my wise professor has to say.”
“That’d be a first.” King winked at East and then made the right turn the GPS indicated.