“I’d like to. How do younotget hard with the way that man fills out a suit?”

“Because I work with him.” When I shot him a gimme-a-break look, he looked up at the ceiling.“Okay, maybe I’ve had to hide my erection behind my laptop once or twice.”

Now we were getting somewhere.

“You’re not someone who hides anything,” I said, and shot a pointed look at his open pants.

“Unlike you, I know how to behave myself when I need to.”

“Really? Could’ve fooled me.”

“There’s a helluva difference between you and Professor Kingston. Starting with: he’s our superior.”

His assumption had me coughing on my inhale. “Our superior? He’s a professor. He doesn’t even have a net worth.”

Zac dropped his head back and made a sound between a groan and a laugh. “God, what am I doing with you? You’re such a?—”

“Good fuck? I know. You’re welcome.”

“Snob. You’re a fucking snob.”

“Can I help that I was born into wealth?”

“No, but you can help how you treat others or, you know, converse with them.”

I took another inhale and blew out a couple of smoke rings. “Says he who is ‘conversing’ with me right now while his dick is hanging out of his pants.”

Zac reached down and stuffed his impressive cock behind his briefs and zipped up, making me chuckle.

“That didn’t mean you had to put it away.”

“It does when you’re being ridiculous and talking about?—”

“Fucking your boss?”

Zac shifted in his seat, and that was when I realized I might really be onto something here. I’d been messing around with him before, but not even the safety of his pants could hide his newly interested erection.

I sat forward on the couch, resting my forearms on my knees and grinning. “Youhavethought about it, haven’t you?”

Zac’s glare was glacial. “Don’t be?—”

“Ridiculous? You already said that. But here’s the thing.” I took another drag and pointed at him. “I think you’re lying.”

Zac’s jaw twitched, and my lip curled.

“See, there it is. Your dick and your jaw are twitching. You want to fuck King.”

“No.” Zac took in a deep breath then leaned forward and took the joint from my fingers. “I wanthimto fuckme.”

There wasn’t much that could shock me these days, butthatadmission had my jaw on the floor.

Zac lounged back on the couch and took a drag of the joint as I tried to remember how to form a coherent sentence.

“Nothing to say? That’s a first.”

Then it hit me—the exact thing I wanted to say. “Ineedto see that.”

Zac chuckled, the high-end weed and his admission clearly erasing his strict code of ethics.“Keep dreaming.”