Page 73 of German

“Don’t do this,” I tried one last time, knowing exactly where this conversation was headed.

I could hear shouting in the distance now.“Take care of my baby girl, German.She’s going to need a rock like you after the shitstorm I’ve created in her life.”

“Alec!”I growled, desperate for the man to see reason.

“This call can’t be traced, and it’s set to disconnect in ten seconds,” Framingham announced coldly.“Give an old man some peace, even if he doesn’t deserve it,” he petitioned, his voice breaking on the last word.

“I promise to take care of Maddy until my dying day,” I replied, knowing fate was already set in motion and nothing I did now could change it.

“Thank you,” he sighed before I heard the tail end of a gunshot and the line went dead.

My heart thudded out of control as I realized the magnitude of what had just transpired.And what I had to do, now that Alec had done what he’d done.

Wandering back to the bedroom like I’d just awoken from a nightmare, I settled down on the couch and watched as Maddy slumbered peacefully.My chest contracted when I realized this was going to be the last night of peace she’d have for a long time.

Leaning back, I sat there, trying to form the words I knew I’d have to say when she awoke.Hating, more than anything, having to be the one to hurt her like this.

Maddy arose three hours and seventeen minutes later.As soon as she did, she smiled.When I didn’t smile back, her complexion went pale.

Taking in my hard expression and haunted eyes, she bolted upright, clutching the sheets to her chest.“What’s wrong?”

Standing, I walked over to the bed, climbed onto the mattress, and pulled her into my arms.She was trembling before I even had a chance to speak.“I have to tell you something.”

Immediately, she dissolved into tears as I did my best to both break her heart, and protect it, in the very same breath.


Three monthslater

Buse, Nevada


My heart raced as my finger hovered over the keyboard.Mr.Jingles purred on my lap as I nervously read and reread the application to make sure it was all correct.

German came up behind me and kissed the top of my head.Reaching out, he stroked under the elderly feline’s neck and the orange fur-ball’s internal motor kicked into high gear.

“Hit send,” he told me, as he leaned over my shoulder and looked at the screen.“You’ve read it a thousand times already.It’s perfect.”

Biting my lower lip, I let out a pent-up breath.“Am I doing the right thing?”I asked the man I’d come to count on as much as my own family.More even.

“You’ve wanted this for a long time, Baby Girl.You owe it to yourself to follow your dreams,” the no-nonsense man comfortingly replied.

Still, I had doubts.But who could blame me?I’d been through so much in the last few months.My near abduction.The Russian mob trying to use me as collateral against my family.And then, worst of all, my father taking his own life.I still couldn’t believe he’d done it.I don’t think I ever would.Especially because I’d known he’d done it for me, as much as he’d done it for himself.

If it had just been the cancer and a legal battle, Alec Framingham would have fought back.But the fear of the Russians using me against him had been one obstacle too many.And, despite my ultimate anger and frustration with the foolish man, he’d done what he’d thought he had to do.Protect me at all costs.Good, bad, or indifferent, I’d always love him for that.

After his funeral, the feds had come hard for me.They were certain I’d been in on the whole sordid affair.Which, I could understand, as I was the heir to the company that had been found guilty of breaking so many laws.Truth was, I was just as shocked as everyone else to learn about these violations.My father, in my eyes, had been the most honest businessman I’d ever known.I guess we don’t ever know people half as well as we like to think we do.A sobering reality that haunted me still.

In the end, my father’s company had been seized and pulled apart by the federal government.Even Coldwell Manor had been lost to me, as it was tied up with the corrupt finances of the defunct business.Nothing was left of Alec Framingham’s legacy except for a handful of keepsakes and my memories of the man.Which, in my opinion, were the most precious and worth their weight in gold to me.

With the company dissolved and our assets frozen, I’d thought I was going to have to drop out of school and start working full-time at Evie’s bakery.But, as he’d always done, my father had created a backup plan.He’d left me money and a sizeable inheritance from my mother’s death benefits the government couldn’t touch.If I was careful with the legacy, I’d be set for years to come and could easily afford to finish my education.

My father, in another stroke of genius, had provided for Christine, his secretary, as well.He’d made sure her medical bills were all paid, and he’d set aside a healthy retirement for her which was shielded from the Fed’s tentacle-like reach.Though she was only in the early stages of healing from her surgery, the doctors were confident she’d make a full recovery.At least, that’s what she told me when we’d gone out for lunch a few weeks back.

Sitting in my new apartment, holding my elderly cat, I glanced at the blinking cursor and held my breath.In this new phase of life, I had to be brave.Take risks.Do what my heart told me to do.The handsome man beside me had taught me that.Showed me I could do anything if I just followed my inner compass.I wasn’t certain what the future held.But I could be sure of one thing.I loved Christopher German, and he’d always be in it.

Placing Mr.Jingles onto the ground, German lifted me out of my seat and tossed me over his shoulder.Slapping my butt, he said, “You need a break.I’ll give you a few orgasms, then you can relax enough to hit send on that email,” he rationalized good-naturedly.

Dangling over his shoulder, I giggled.I didn’t need more time.I knew what I wanted to do.Reaching down, I sent the application for my veterinarian program.Much like with the man before me, I’d already made up my mind and knew what I wanted.I just had to be brave enough to reach out and grab it.

“Good girl,” he said, spanking my ass again as he strode purposefully toward the bedroom.“Now that you’ve done that, I can take all the time in the world to show you just how much I love you!”