Looking up at me, she folded her arms across her chest.Her tits squeezed through the tight material of her bra top and my dick gave an involuntary jerk as it got ideas of smothering itself between the delicious divide.
Maddy furrowed her brow at my query.“What?I already left my phone here.What else could you possibly want from me?A kidney?”
If she wasn’t careful, I’d stick something else in that sassy mouth of hers that would keep her quiet.“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
She looked down at herself before replying, “I don’t know what you’re referring to.I have everything I need in my gym bag.”
“What about a shirt?”I countered.“Isn’t it customary for people to wear one when they leave the house?”
Maddy narrowed her eyes.“I’m wearing a shirt already.”
My dark gaze slowly passed up and down her ripe body, purposely making her lovely, pale skin blush.
“What are you, my dad?”she said defiantly.“Everyone below the age of fifty wears this kind of thing at the gym!”
Stepping closer, I looked her dead in the eye.“It’s my job to watch over you while he’s gone, Maddy.So until he gets back, wherever you’re concerned,” I said, my voice ripe with meaning, “I’m your daddy now!”
I gulped at his words.The hot look in his eyes.The commanding tone of his voice.Call me a dirty little tramp, but I wanted this man I’d just met to do shameful things to me.Wanted him to strip me naked, bend me over, and teach me a lesson I’d never forget.The thought alone made my thighs reflexively clench and my core to become drenched.
I’d only ever been with two guys before.One boy in high school whom I’d felt pressured to give my V card to, and another from college who was sweet, but who brought absolutely no fire or passion to our relationship.But German, despite thoroughly irritating me, was all man.I could tell, just by looking at him now.There was no way he’d be anything less than an atomic bomb in bed.And boy, oh boy, did I want him to blow apart my world right this second, even if it destroyed us both in the process.
Licking my suddenly dry lips, I decided my best course of action was to just grab a pullover and take it off when I got to the locker room of the gym.What could he do about it then?
Smiling internally, I walked back to my closet and pulled a half sweater that showed my belly but covered my boobs.If that didn’t please him, nothing short of a burka would.
“Better?”I grumbled, in desperate need of a workout now that he’d gotten my blood pumping so hard.
German glanced at my exposed tummy which was still on display, but he didn’t object.“It’ll do.”
* * *
The drive over to the gym had been a quiet one.And by that, I mean, I’d promptly turned on the radio to drown out any potential conversation the two of us could have shared.I was still miffed at the man for asserting his authority over me, though very much still turned on by it, and I was struggling to come to grips with the odd purgatory I’d currently found myself burning in.
As soon as German parked thecar, I jumped out of the front seat and bolted straight for the door.Since his legs were so much longer than mine, it didn’t take him more than a minute to catch up.Trying to slip into the gym without him, I failed when I saw his shadow looming large behind me.
After unwillingly signing in my “guest” at the front desk, I said, “I’ve got to use the bathroom,” and hightailed it over to the locker room before he could deny me the basic human right.Free of my jailor for the moment, I tugged off my sweater and arranged my hair in a high ponytail on the crown of my head.Checking myself out in the mirror, I smiled.Let him try some of that caveman behavior now that we were in public.I doubted my bodyguard would feel so high and mighty with an audience all around us.
Kicking off my street shoes, I stepped into my gym sneakers and locked all of my stuff into my designated locker.Because the phone German had given me had none of my apps, audiobooks, or anything else I enjoyed listening to while at the gym, I tossed it in there as well, deciding I was just going to make do with the background music the gym provided.
Strolling out of the locker room, I glanced around for my new bodyguard.He spooked me when he said, “I’m right behind you.”
He must have been leaning against the wall of the ladies’ locker room waiting for my exit.Slowly turning, I crossed my arms alongside my chest.“That’s not creepy at all, waiting like that,” I pointedly accused.
German’s eyes took in my clothing, or lack thereof, and his dark eyebrow hiked.“I think you forgot some of your clothes back inside the locker room.”
Shaking my head, I smiled victoriously.“Nope.I’m wearingexactlywhat I intended to.”
I could tell I was deeply trying his patience, but he didn’t argue.Later, when we were alone, I’m sure he’d make me pay.But for now, I was adding this “W” to the victory column in my favor.
“Besides, you’re not allowed to give anyone fashion advice,” I added, eyeing him from head to toe.“Especially wearing what you’re wearing.Leather isn’t exactly the most practical choice at the gym.”
German dropped his gaze first to his vest, jeans, and finally his black boots, before shrugging.“Do you want to argue about my fashion sense or work out?”
Tossing my ponytail behind me, I strolled over to the treadmill and began to spray it down with the bottle of disinfectant.I wasn’t about to trust the last person had cleaned it to my standard.As I worked, German watched me, leaning against the machine to my left.When one guy stepped onto the machine to my right, he shot him a menacing glare.Deciding it wasn’t worth the hassle, the poor guy went to the opposite side of the gym to use the ellipticals.