“It is,” Maze said, his eyes roving over the crowd and locking with Reaper’s.“We all have to play in this dirty sandbox together, boys.I couldn’t help but think how much better it would go for all of us if we got along and worked in unison.”
No fool, Trainor didn’t look like he was buying this ‘unity’ speech any more than the Devils were.“My friends have a way of staying out of my hair and not being my problem, Maze,” he noted dryly.“Or the problem of my other friends.”
Understanding the dig, Maze tilted his head at Reaper and grinned.“I feel the same way.”
I didn’t know the man, but I had a hard time believing this soulless biker had anything which resembled a friendship in his whole, miserable life.If I had to guess, I’d say he controlled all of his relationships with an iron fist and only engaged in them when they benefited his greedy ambitions.
Peeking through the crowd, I scanned the men there.I wondered which one was Ghost, and if Kayla was safe from him now.Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long to figure it out.
Maze called out over his shoulder, “Ghost, why don’t you bring our friend Trainor his gift from the Watchmen.”
My breath hitched as a man who exuded animal grace and ferocity, stepped forward.To be honest, he was attractive.Even by conventional standards.Handsome, lean but muscular, with an olive complexion, light-colored eyes, and a clean-cut fade.
Still, there was just something about Ghost that rubbed me the wrong way.Even from this distance, I could sense his feral nature.Like a shark, there was just something so primitive and emotionless about him that I could practically feel his chill from over twenty feet away.I unintentionally shivered then, fearing for my friend’s safety with an unhinged guy like that chasing after her.
German looked down at me and gave me a squeeze.I knew he understood what I was thinking and was trying to silently reassure me everything was going to be okay.
Straightening my spine, I accepted his much-needed support and knew that Kayla would be protected by the Devil’s Riders should Ghost ever cross the line again.Men, unlike so many others, who once they gave their word, kept it.
Ghost began wheeling a beautiful, shiny motorcycle toward Trainor.I didn’t know much about motorcycles, but I could tell this one was special by not only its beauty, but by the way it captured all the men’s attention.
Maze waited until the bike was placed directly in front of the Demon Knights’ president before saying, “We wanted to give you this recently restored bike for your personal use or to be donated for the upcoming charity auction your Club participates in annually.Keep it or give it away.It’s yours to do with however you like.Either way, it’s a sign of goodwill between the Watchmen and the Demon Knights.”
Trainor nodded, but didn’t invite the interlopers to stay.Even a layperson like me could understand he wouldn’t embrace an untrustworthy ally just to lose a trusted one in the Devil’s Riders.
Maze must have known it too, because he didn’t wait long before saying, “You enjoy your party.We’ve got one of our own to attend.”
Turning, the men started back to their bikes.I noticed Ghost waiting a few seconds longer than the others to walk away.His eyes scanned the crowd.At one point, they lingered on me and I had the distinct feeling that someone had passed over my grave.
German held me tighter, his body as solid as a rock in the eye of a storm.When the bikers had disappeared into the night, the party resumed.However, tension still lingered in the air despite the Watchmen’s departure.
“I need a stiffer drink,” Amelia announced and we all went back to the bar for refills.Soon, we were dancing again and losing ourselves in the music.
“What do you think that was about?”Reaper asked, as we watched the women dancing in the safety of the tented pavilion.
Standing on the outskirts of it, my eyes followed Maddy’s graceful movements as she swayed alongside the other women.“I think Maze is hoping to cozy up to our allies in hopes of securing a few of their own.”
Bishop’s face, usually so light and fun loving, hardened with rage.“That fucker, Maze, just waltzed in here like he didn’t try to lay hands on my girl!I hope he knows his days on this earth are numbered.”
Reaper clapped the man on the back.“You’ll get your day of reckoning, Bishop.I promised you that.I never go back on my word.Hang in there for a little while longer until we can work out the logistics of it.”
I understood my Brother’s frustration.I wanted to do the same thing to the men who dared lay hands on Maddy.Their day was coming, too.But it was hard to be patient when someone you loved was wronged.Especially in the way that Evie and Maddy had been.Men who put their hands on women and used them like chess pieces in a man’s war deserve no mercy.And the Devil’s Riders wouldn’t show these cowards any when the moment came to terminate their sorry asses.
Hawk took a sip of his beer and nodded.“I’ll be right there with you when you snuff out the bastard’s pointless life, Brother.He might not have put hands on Amelia, but his Club certainly did.There’s a spot beside Ace that has Maze’s name on it.We’ll end these fuckers one at a time, don’t you worry.”
Bishop relaxed a hair, but his eyes never wavered from Evie.“I look forward to it.”
“We all do,” Reaper said.
Trainor walked over to our group then.“That was quite unexpected.Did you find Maze’s generosity as unsettling as I did?”
Reaper chuckled.“Watch your ass, Trainor.Any man courting you that hard wants a piece of it, bad!”
Trainor blew out a breath.“You ain’t kidding.I don’t trust anyone, let alone Maze, to just give me a fifty-thousand-dollar bike.I’ll run the VIN number and make sure it’s clean before I decide what to do with it.I wouldn’t put it past the bastard to steal the fucking thing, pawn it off on me, then sit back and laugh his ass off when I catch a charge for grand larceny!”