Page 65 of German

“I know you just got home, Brother,” Ox acknowledged, apologizing for what he knew he’d interrupted, “but Prez has called for a quick meeting before we head out to meet up with the Knights.Stuff it back in your pants, loverboy, and meet us downstairs in five.”

“Fuck off!”German shot back as he adjusted the obvious erection in his jeans.“I’ll be there soon.”

Ox chuckled.“Remember, five minutes.I know that probably seems like enough time for a guy like you, but I’m sure your girl would disagree.”

Slamming the door in Ox’s face as he muttered a few choice expletives, I looked at German with hope shining in my eyes.

Sighing in defeat, he said, “If you’re going to go tonight, you better get ready.We’re leaving in an hour.”



I wore the black leather pants.The ones that German had bought me for the Raiders’ party.For my top, I’d gotten creative, as I didn’t have many options on account of how little clothes I had with me.

German had given me an old Club T-shirt of his and I’d found a pair of scissors and tailored it to my specifications.Cutting it short and tying it so it showed off my midriff, I removed the sleeves and cut the neckline so my black bra peeked through.By the time I was done, I was actually quite proud of my handiwork.And I knew once German saw it, he’d like it too.

Taking the top third of my hair, I split the thick mass into two sections and created space buns.The rest of it ran loose down my back in natural ringlets.My makeup was a smoky gray color and my lip a bright red.All in all, I loved the finished product.

When German walked through the door, he stopped and stared.Holding my breath, I waited for him to speak.Although, based on the heat in his eyes, I assumed he approved.

Rubbing his hand along the crotch of his jeans, he shook his head.“Those pants were made for your legs, Baby Girl.Turn around and let me see your ass,” he said hoarsely.

I did a little turn and let him see the whole outfit.“Do you like it?”I said coquettishly over my shoulder.

“Yeah, I like it,” he choked out.“I especially like that you’re wearing my Club’s T-shirt.It looks so fucking good on you,” he said appreciatively.

I beamed.“I hope you don’t mind me cutting it.”

“I don’t mind at all.I only wish we had more time before we had to go so I could show you how much I like it.I don’t know how I’m going to fucking hold out until we get back to the Clubhouse later tonight.”

I smiled and winked.“Who said anything about waiting until we get back home?”

“Fuck, Babe!”he moaned, rubbing himself harder.

“Come on, Stud,” I told him.“Evie’s downstairs waiting for me.”

Since Angel was too pregnant to ride on the back of Reaper’s bike, a bunch of us were riding together in the Club SUV to keep her company.Evie had thought it would be the perfect way to get to know the women better and I was looking forward to it although I would miss riding on the back of German’s bike tonight.

As we descended the stairs, I immediately spotted Cici, milling around with Hammer and Ox and a few other girls I didn’t know.She was staring at us hard, her cold blue eyes like laser beams.Strike that.She was staring atmehard.And I can’t say she looked particularly happy to see me.Especially all dressed up and accompanying German to the Knights’ Clubhouse.

I’d had a lot of practice with girls like this.Mean girls, that was.Going to a wealthy school with children who had unlimited funds and time to fuck with people had tutored me well in the ways of developing a thick skin.So, treating her like my childhood nemesis, Karri Masterson, I acted like Cici was invisible and passed straight on by her.

Evie rushed up to me then.“You look amazing,” she complimented, giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek.

She looked like a million bucks herself in a green sundress, and I told her as much.

“You like it?Bishop bought it for me.He says he loves me in green.”She fluttered her like-colored eyes at me as she swished her flowy skirt.“Come on, I want to introduce you to him.”

Pulling me over to where one of the most conventionally attractive males I’d ever seen was drinking a beer, I met her Old Man, Bishop, who was every inch as congenial as Evie herself.After that, German introduced me to some of the other Brothers I hadn’t had a chance to meet yet.

When we got to Hammer, the giant of a man pulled me in for a full-body hug.“Another fellow redhead,” he gushed, as German pried him off of me.“Tell me we’re not related and that we can keep the bloodline pure!”

I laughed at his obvious joke, though German looked like he’d been forced to swallow thumbtacks while listening to it.

“As far as I’m concerned, you’re related,” my biker bodyguard quipped, as he tugged me backward into his arms, not caring who saw us.An act that warmed my heart and the naughty bits between my thighs in equal measure.“Not that I believe it would stop your depraved ass from mounting anything that moves!”

“Hey, I’m Scottish, not Southern!”Hammer returned, and everyone chortled with laughter at the big, burly man’s feigned upset.