Page 63 of German

My father would give me whatever I wanted.He always had.That was the problem.If he found out I wanted to become a veterinarian, he’d support me one hundred percent.But more than becoming a vet, I wanted to go to work with my family every day.For my father to pass on to me what his dad was never able to pass on to him.

“No,” I confessed.“But I know he’d support me no matter what I decide to do.He’s great like that.”

“It sounds like the two of you are really close,” Evie said.“I understand why you wouldn’t want to give that up.”

I chewed another bite of scone.“Are you close with your family?”

“No,” Evie replied with a quick shake of her head.“My dad’s in prison and my mom hasn’t been around for years.”

My heart sank at her words.How could parents be so selfish as to abandon their beautiful daughter to the wolves like that?“I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Evie said.“I’ve got a new family now.The Devil's Riders.And it’s the strongest one I’ve ever met.They stick by one another through the good and the bad.They’re always there to help, like when I opened this shop.And I never have to go it alone when I’m taking a risk, because they back me all the way.I didn’t just get a man when I started dating Bishop.I got a family.One that welcomed me with open arms and now couldn’t see myself living without.”

That was pretty amazing.“And the rest of the world is benefiting from your delicious food and coffee, so everybody wins!”

Evie laughed.“Yup.It’s a symbiotic relationship, really.Just look at Boots and Knife.”

I glanced at the two men who were sipping coffee and eating baked goods like they were going out of style.“However would those two men survive if I didn’t feed them sugar and caffeine on a daily basis?”

“True,” I agreed with a smile.“Caffeine and sugar are two of the biggest contributors to my diet as well.”

“Same,” Evie confessed with another giggle.

“So are there other awesome women like you who hang out with the Club?I’ve only met Club girls,” I said, not even trying to hide my disdain.

“There are,” Evie acknowledged.“There’s Reaper’s Old Lady Angel, who introduced me to the Club.She’s currently very pregnant at the moment, but plans to open a daycare once her son is born.And then there’s Amelia, who’s Hawk’s Old Lady.Amelia owns her own salon and is Bishop’s sister.At this point, they both feel like the sisters I never had but always wanted.”

“Wow!I can’t wait to meet them,” I said, finishing the last few sips of my coffee.”

“You’re going to love them.And they’re going to love you, too!”Evie said reassuringly before getting up to refill my mug.

When she got back, she asked, “So which Club girls did you meet?”

“It was only one, actually,” I admitted, a bit embarrassed.“Cici.She, ah, climbed into German’s bed when I was sleeping and didn’t take it well when she found out I was there instead of him.”

Evie snorted.“Cici’s the worst.I’m not one to judge people’s life choices, but that woman’s plain awful!When I first started dating Bishop, she tried to make my life hell, and actually succeeded a time or two.”

“Really?”I said, intrigued.

“Yup.But after she accepted Bishop wasn’t going to kick me to the curb, she glommed on to German.”She smiled at me then.“Which allows me the perfect segway to ask about the handsome biker and yourself.”

The curse of the redhead struck again and I blushed.“I want there to be something between us, but I’m not sure what he wants.He says there’s no one else, and I believe him,” I hurriedly added.“But, I’m not sure if that means we’re together or just that he hasn’t come across a better option yet.”

Evie snorted.“Not a chance, Maddy!First off, you’re incredible.And secondly, German’s not that kind of guy.I’ve never met a more honest, straight shooter than him.If German says there’s no one else but you, believe him, lady.He means it.”

Those words assured me more than they should have.“Thanks.I really needed to hear that.”

Evie nodded.“Loving a biker ain’t always easy, but it’s worth it if he’s the right one,” she explained as she leaned back in her chair.“From what I hear, you’ve had a lot to deal with lately.Just know you’re in good company, as there isn’t an Old Lady amongst us who hasn’t had a wild ride with the Club!”

She told me then about how Angel, Amelia, and she, all became involved with the Devil’s Riders.By the time she was done, I’d had three full cups of coffee, and my mind, as well as my bladder, were blown.

“Bikers definitely don’t live boring lives!”I said earnestly.

“Definitely not.And if you ride with the Devils, neither will you,” Evie sagely returned.

That was something to consider.Though I’d lived a lavish life by most accounts, my day-to-day routine at home was pretty standard.If German and I were to get together, that would all change.Did I want that?Could I even handle it?

As I was getting ready to leave, Amelia asked me if I was going to the party at the Demon Knights’ Clubhouse tomorrow.I hadn’t even known about it.She said she’d be there with Bishop and I should come along and meet the other girls.