Her offer sounded like heaven.“I don’t know about German, but I’d love it!”
As we walked out of the bedroom, I saw two men waiting for us.“This is Boots and Knife.They’re going to come with us today.”
On the drive over to her cafe, Evie explained that Boots was a Prospect who had become a full-fledged Brother a few months back, while Knife was still essentially pledging.
“I’m a Brother who’s still pulling Prospect duty,” Boots teased, as he took a left turn into the parking lot of Evie’s cafe.“It’s a sad, sad day, ladies.”
“You love it,” Evie accused with a smile.“I heard you volunteered for this duty because you love my chocolate chunk muffins and dark roast coffee!”
“Allegedly,” he returned with a good-humored grin of his own.“I’m not officially going on the record with that statement though.”
Evie looked at me and winked.“Does that mean you don’t want a chocolate chunk muffin and a dark roast coffee as soon as we get inside?”
“I didn’t say that,” Boots returned with mock indignation.
“That’s what I thought,” the sassy woman said, as we stepped out of the vehicle to go inside.
The cafe was called Evie’s Corner and was absolutely adorable!Small but homey, it fostered a quaint and rustic vibe that clientele obviously loved because the place was packed.The shop was furnished with hand-cut wooden countertops and comfy, plush seating throughout the gently lit space.Living plants were strategically placed around the room, adding a homey touch I thought was brilliant.It was adorable, and exactly the kind of cafe I’d enjoy reading a book and sipping some coffee at in my free time back home.
“This cafe is perfect!”I complimented, as Evie took me over to an oversized chair near the corner of the room where we could chat in moderate privacy.
Evie beamed.“Thanks!I absolutely love it.When I opened my catering business a year ago, I didn’t know in what direction I wanted to take it.I still do some catering on the side, but I’m loving the coffee shop business more and more every day.”
I was seriously impressed with everything the young woman had achieved in such a short time.And, as busy as it was in here, I could tell the community was grateful for her decision as well.
“Can I interest you in a beverage or something to eat?”Evie offered, showing me the main display where a bevy of food options were attractively displayed.
“Boy, it all looks so good,” I said, and meant it.After some tough decision-making, I settled on a blueberry scone and a hot black coffee to wash it down with.
“Coming right up,” Evie said, stepping behind the counter where two other employees were busily filling orders.
When she returned, she handed me my scone and I nearly died after taking a bite.“This is divine!”I gushed between soft, pillowy mouthfuls of the subtly sweet treat.“And the coffee pairs perfectly with it!”
Evie’s smile lit up her mossy green eyes.“I’m so glad you like it.I’ve worked hard to make this shop a reality.And I could have never done it without the Club.You haven’t met Bishop yet, but he’s equally responsible for helping me get this place going.He has friends in the electrical field, woodworking, and a host of other trades which allowed me to get this place up and running so fast.I could have never got it done so quickly without him and the other Club members pitching in and standing behind me.”
I was pleasantly surprised to hear the Club had helped her get her shop off the ground.I’d have never guessed they would have been so supportive of one of their members Old Lady’s.“I’ll have to thank Bishop when I finally do meet him,” I said, stuffing another delicious bite into my mouth.“I think I speak for all of Buse when I say this scone was well worth everyone’s hard work!”
Evie giggled.“I heard you were currently going to school.What’s your major?”
“Business management,” I stated flatly.“My father owns his own company and he wants me to take it over one day.”
Shrewd green eyes studied my face.“Is that what you want to do?”
Since I was young, that had been the plan.Now, I wasn’t so sure.“I want to work with my father.I love the idea of us being in business together.”
“If your dad didn’t own the company, what would you do instead?”Evie thoughtfully queried.
I didn’t even have to give it much consideration.I already knew the answer.“I’d become a veterinarian.I love working with animals and medicine really appeals to me.I have an elderly cat named Mr.Jingles and some fish that I adore back home.If I didn’t travel so much with my father for work, I’d have a household full of other pets, too.”
“You seem really passionate about it,” Evie noted.
“It’s more of a fantasy than a reality,” I told her.
Evie took a slow sip of her iced coffee.“This place was just a fantasy before it was a reality.That’s how all dreams work.”
I smiled at her excellent point.“True.It’s just I won’t have time for both my father’s businessandgoing to school to become a vet.I have to pick one.”
Evie didn’t judge, she just nodded her understanding.“Have you told your dad how you feel?”