Page 5 of German

Very few things in life rendered me speechless.This man was one of them.Dark-haired, tall, muscular, and covered in tattoos, he was the vision of masculinity in every adult fantasy I’d never had, but now knew I should have.Outside of a TV show, I’d never seen anyone like him before.I’m not even ashamed to admit it.I creamed my nice new panties on the spot drinking in his perfectly toned, beautiful male physique.

When I realized I was just standing there gawking, I blushed and shot out my hand to shake his.“Nice to meet you, German,” I awkwardly replied.“I’m Maddy.”

German’s intense brown gaze speared mine.Those whiskey-toned orbs slowly moved up and down my body, as he took in every inch of what I was wearing.With each curve and mound he passed over, I felt like he’d left licking flames in their wake.Now it wasn’t just my face that was flushed.It was my entire body.

Accepting my hand into his much larger one, he pumped it firmly.“Nice to meet you, Maddy.”

Was it my imagination, or was there a sort of sexual innuendo to his words?Before I could process the hot biker’s words, my father interrupted my thoughts.

“German’s an old friend, and he’s going to be staying here with you while I’m in San Francisco,” my father nonchalantly explained, as if this bizarre statement made any sense at all.

Snapping my head in his direction, my mouth gaped open.“What?I thought I was going to San Francisco with you?”

“I’m afraid that’s not possible after what happened with Christine,” my father said.“Everyone knows you go with me to these types of conferences, Maddy.In an open space like that, I’d never be able to keep you safe.”

“But I’ve been really looking forward to going with you for months, Daddy.You can’t leave me behind.”The sadness in my voice made me sound like a little girl again, but I didn’t care.I wanted to go to San Francisco with my father like we always did.

“I know, baby,” he said gently, but I could see he wouldn’t be dissuaded.Not about this.“There’ll be other conferences though.I promise.”

With my father being so busy, we rarely spent a lot of time together.These annual conferences were the exception to that rule.When we traveled together, my father ate every meal with me and introduced me to each one of his friends and colleagues.It was something I looked forward to all year long and now it would be another year before I had a chance to do it again.I was heartbroken by this unexpected news.

“Please, Daddy!”I pleaded one more time, getting close and taking his hand in mine.“You said you were going to let me run some of the meetings with you this year.I promise to stay close and do whatever you say.I won’t be a problem.”

Looking as though he might break under my endearing pleas, my father finally hardened his expression and shook his head.“No.It’s just too dangerous and I can’t risk it.I can’t risk you, Maddy.Don’t ask me to.”

I glanced over at German then.His sharp gaze was taking our whole exchange in like an eagle surveys the land around him while hunting.Suddenly, I felt very exposed and angry that this interloper should be in our home.Who was he and why did my father feel he was integral to my safety?I’d had personal protection details before.But none that looked like him.And, if I were being honest, there were none who made my body respond like his did, either.

“I don’t need a bodyguard,” I uttered defiantly, dropping my father’s hand and stepping back.“I already have the detectives watching over me.I’ll be fine on my own while you’re gone.”

“I’m sure you will,” my father placated.“However, I’m not taking any chances.German stays.”

I knew my father better than anyone.Once his mind was made up about something, there was very little that could change it.“Fine.Unless you need anything else from me, I’m leaving for the gym now.”

My father frowned at how cold I was being.However, I noticed he didn’t deny me my gym visit.Which, given how I’d thought he’d react, I could at least be happy about that.

“Why don’t you show German around first?Let him drop off his stuff before he drives you to the gym.”My father used the tone of voice that said he was telling me, not asking me, to comply.

“You can’t have Gretchen show him the guest house?”I asked petulantly.Just the thought of the meek maid showing this hardened man around the estate almost made me smile.

“He’s not staying in the guest house,” my father patiently explained.

Rudely ignoring our “guest” I asked, “Where’s he staying then?”

“In the room next to yours,” my father answered, as though even an idiot should have guessed that.“He can’t exactly keep you safe if he isn’t in the same residence as you, Maddy.”

No way!I wasn’t having this Sons of Anarchy reject sleep next door to me.That was preposterous.The pinched expression on my face caused my father’s to do the same.I guess I now knew which parent I’d inherited that little trait from.

“Fine,” I grumbled, folding my arms across my chest.“I’d love to show you around, German.”

My father smiled.“I’ll see you two at dinner.Enjoy your gym time, Maddy.”

* * *


I watched Alec walk out of his office with a raised eyebrow.The man had never raised his voice, but he obviously knew how to handle his strong-willed daughter better than anyone.That was a good thing, as I could see how much his love for her had allowed the girl to direct his day-to-day decision-making.

Thankfully, as worried as he was, Framingham was able to put his foot down when it mattered.And given this current situation and how much danger she was in, he couldn’t afford to budge on her protection.