She moved at the last second, slipping out of his grasp, but not before he got a hand full of one of her breasts, makinghis body tingle and tighten, and he realized Eden had an advantage. He hoped she didn’t know it, and waited, counting the seconds until she emerged from the water only a few feet from him, then lunged for her, managing this time to capture her in his arms.
“Got you,” he said, but Eden started rubbing her breasts against his chest. He lost his grip, and she swam away again.
This time she surfaced a few feet away from him. “Still think you’ll win?” she asked. “I haven’t even begun to fight.”
He laughed, “You’ll get tired eventually,” he said. “Then you’ll be mine, and we’re going to talk about that anything you promised me. I have a few things in mind already.
“That’s big talk for someone who hasn’t been able to hold onto me for more than a few seconds,” she said. “Besides, I’m much younger than you are. You’ll get tired first, old man.”
Before he could lunge for Eden, she took a deep breath and disappeared under the water. A second later, he felt her hands caressing him and gasped when her hands closed around his swollen manhood. A second later, she sucked him into her mouth, and for several incredible seconds he was aware of nothing but the pleasure pounding through him. When she finally surfaced in front of him, panting from the effort, a pleased smile on her face, he reached for her, but she swam away laughing.
His body throbbing with need, the creature inside him coming to life, he dove after her, his only thought of Eden’s willing body and burying himself in her moist heat over and over. Fueled by the passion between them, he caught her easily, wrapped his arms around her, and held on as she tried to squirm out of his arms.
“That last little stunt was almost more than I could handle, sweetheart,” he said, threading his fingers into herhair and bending her head back. “No more games, I want you now.”
Pushed beyond his limit, he slammed his mouth down on hers, parted her lips with his tongue, and ravished her mouth, nipping at her lips with his teeth, then soothing the spot with his tongue. Eden went limp in his arms after only a few seconds, then wrapped her arms and legs around him to keep from slipping under the water, and he groaned when he felt her heat against his belly.
Breaking the kiss, he started for the shore, his swollen erection now almost painful as it throbbed between his legs. He stepped out of the water, then unable to wait any longer, grabbed Eden by the hips and drove himself into her, growling deep in his chest as pleasure rocketed through him.
Eden cried out first in surprise, then in pleasure as he stood on the shore of the pool and buried himself deeply inside her over and over again. She tumbled over the edge, clinging to him, nearly taking him with her, but he managed to hold on, and carried her over to the bed by the fire. After gently laying her down, he slipped between her legs and spread them wide open, his eyes locked on Eden’s, then dipped his head and slid his tongue over her swollen nib.
Her hips came up to meet him and she cried out his name, threaded her finger into his hair and held on as he lavished her with attention, then took her over the edge again. When she stopped trembling, he crawled up her body, rolled to the side, then grabbed her by the hips and flipped her only onto her stomach. Need raging wildly through him again, he pulled Eden up onto her hands and knees, slipped between her legs, grabbed her hips, and buried himself deep inside her.
With each thrust of his powerful hips, he lost more of his control as pleasure slowly blocked out everything but the woman crying out his name. This time he didn’t fight it, helet it consume him. They climbed higher and higher together, Eden’s welcoming each deep thrust of his hips, and when they finally crested, their bodies joined together, their souls entwined for the first time.
They both felt the flush of heat when the moment came, and he knew that he would love her forever. “I love you,” he said. “I’m going to love you until the end of time.”
“I love you too,” Eden sighed. “But forever isn’t long enough.”
Bliss captured them at the same time, waves of pleasure so powerful, he couldn’t breathe for several seconds as he emptied himself deep inside Eden’s welcoming body. Her muscles clenched around him even tighter than before, drawing out the sensations until the world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them and the passion they shared.
Eden came slowly back down to Earth, her body humming with the echo of the pleasure they’d just shared, Theo’s chest pressed up against her back, his manhood still buried deep inside her. She didn’t want to move, didn’t want the moment to end, but he gently pulled away and rolled over onto his back, then pulled her into his arms so her head was resting on his chest.
“You’re both incredible and maddening,” he finally said. “You might not want to tease me like that again, I barely had control of myself.”
“Hmmm……I like you almost out of control,” she said, running her hand up and down his chest. “I might even like you totally out of control. I wonder what it would take to get that to happen? Maybe we should go swimming again.”
He rolled over and pinned her down to the bed, her hands above her head. “You’re doing it again,” he growled. “Don’t you know when to stop?”
“I was just talking, I didn’t mean to do anything,” she said, then smiled innocently up at him. “I mean, I could understand if I’d spread my legs for you, like this, or if I’d wiggled my hips and lifted them to you, like this. I didn’t even rub my breasts against your chest, like this, and I would never dream of……”
“Stop,” he growled at her, then slid inside her with a groan of satisfaction. “You little minx, you’re going to be sorry you did that.”
“Oh, I don’t think so,” she said. “Besides, I got exactly what I wanted. I’m more than willing to pay the price.”
They fell asleep in each other’s arms, and this time the island stayed exactly the way it was when they closed their eyes, but for those few hours before the sun came up, the stars shined a bit brighter. When Eden opened her eyes to the sunshine the next morning, Theo’s arms were wrapped around her from behind, his hand was cupping one of her breasts and a happy smile spread across her face.
She felt him stir the then slow swelling of his manhood between her legs. “Well, good morning,” she said. “I guess you’re awake.”
Theo groaned, “And wanting you already,” he said, his hand beginning to knead her breasts. “Any objections?”
“Not from me,” she said, laughing, then gasped when his hand slid down her body and between her legs. “Not at all.”
It was late morning before they finally rousted themselves and took a swim in the pool under the waterfall, then climbed out stretched out in the sun to dry off. “I had Max arrange dinner with both of our parents tonight,” Theo said, reachingout and taking her hand. “I figured we’d tell them all at the same time, get it over with.”
“Good idea,” she said, squeezing his hand. “They’re not going to like it; there’s going to be lots of shouting and a bunch of tears. My mother will probably have another heart attack.”