Page 95 of Wings of Destiny

We missedoneprior to those students being mauled by ‘animals.’

And that was when my ass was unconscious.

Bite me.

I fought to keep the fake smile plastered on. “Some personal things have come up. It’s not for me to say, as I’ve been assisting Seth with a few things. I’ll be back in class once they resume next week.”

“And Mister Draven?”

“He should be reaching out to you shortly, Mr. Jensin.”

He clicked his tongue. “You know, Miss Snow, I do see quite the potential in you and would hate to see you throw that away for a mere boy. Man-child if you will.” His mud-colored eyes flicked to my stomach before returning to my face.

I cleared my throat. “I appreciate your concern, Mr. Jensin. I’ll be in class next week. Have a nice day.” I twirled on my heel with his returned books and headed to the staff room.

His voice followed me. “Be sure to have your paper on Lady Leonora submitted by this coming weekend, as it counts for a majority of your final. I’ll see you next week.”


“He’s kinda a dick, huh?” I whipped my head to the side, to find my boss, Ashlin. She was short and petite, barely five foot two. Her brown hair was styled into a pixie cut, bangs and all. Her pink-rimmed glasses sat on the bridge of her nose as she peaked over them, her amber eyes looking up at me.

“Little bit. But his class is a bit of a necessity. The semester is almost over, then I’ll be rid of him.” I closed my eyes, praying the next couple of weeks went by as quickly as possible.

Ashlin twirled a pen over her fingers. “Is it though? Last time I checked, we have several history professors here that could get you the credits you need for your degree,” she arched her brow. “What is this Lady Leonora business he has you writing about?”

“Honestly, Ashlin. I don’t even know. We went over it and began studying it almost a month ago and my sleep schedule—among other things—had been a mess so my memory and attention span were trash lately.” I dropped the books on the desk with a thud. Two months ago, I would’ve been winded, even with all the lifting. Now, with the strength of me being Nephilim, the stack of books felt as light as a feather.

“Sounds like you might need to get cracking on that then. Unless…this is really a knight in shining armor issue?” She smirked, and her eyes glinted in the lowlights of the library.

“There is no knight in shining armor, Ash. I’m permanently single.” I deadpanned.

She scoffed at me. “Oh please. That friend of yours, Seth? He follows you around like a lost puppy. I see the way you look at him.”

My cheeks flushed. “He’s not into me like that. He has some big-brother complex towards me,” I waved her off. “He’s nice to look at lately, but that’d never go anywhere.

Ashlin chuckled. “But areyouinto him?”

I stuttered, “I…I don’t know. I mean we’ve been friends since we were in diapers.”

“And?” She craned her neck.

“And that would be utterly ridiculous.”

“Would it though? From what I’ve seen, you are smitten with one another,” her grin spread. “And speaking of tall, muscular, and handsome, it seems as though someone is here to pick you up, Erin.” Ashlin vibrated with excitement.

Please no.

I tensed, quickly spinning around to see Seth striding towards the front desk, his fingers brushed through his hair, the midnight strands glistening. The dark-washed denim jeans he wore hung low on his hips, the waistband barely covered by the same grey V-neck he wore earlier in the day. His favorite zip up hoodie hung open, the underside of his jacket a light-grey contrasting the charcoal of the outer shell. The heat on my face heightened.

He stopped and his cologne drifted through the air—pine. “Hey, Rin. You ready to go?”

Ashlin, the meddling fiend she was, elbowed in. “Yes, she just finished up, actually.”

“But, I—” I stuttered, Ashlin cutting me off.

“I’ll finish up here, Erin. You two have fun. I’ll see you in a few days.” She shot me an innocent grin. Seth turned his attention to his phone briefly and she mouthed ‘text me.’I rolled my eyes.

Seth threw his arm over my shoulder. “So, you ready for dinner, Snow?” Ashlin snorted and I looked around Seth, glaring at her. He followed the sight line of my death-glare. “What? What’d I miss?”