Page 94 of Wings of Destiny

Smh, lol

What does that even mean?

A knock sounded at the door. I slowly sat up, not wanting to leave the comfort of my bed and opened it to find a smirking Seth.

“Do you really not know what ‘smh’ means?”

“No? What is it? Smh?” I crossed my arms over my chest, my hip leaned against the door frame.

He belted out a laugh. “Shaking my head.”

“Well, why not just say that? So much easier.” The corner of my mouth lifted.

“It’s texting, Erin. Not a novel,” he chuckled, the ocean blue of his eyes sparkled. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Okay, look. I am not the brightest crayon in the crayon box, Seth. We know this.”

He rolled his eyes. “So, dinner. What time am I picking you up?” He braced himself against the side of the doorway, his forearms supporting his body against the top of the frame. My breath hitched at the close proximity. His plain grey V-neck clung to his chest, accentuating the muscle beneath, wisps of his dark chest hair peeking out.

My eyes nearly bugged out of my skull.

I’m salivating. I’m fucking salivating.

Someone throw a bucket of ice water at me please.

This is getting out of hand.

“I, uh. I’m off at seven. But I can meet you somewhere. You don’t need to drive all the way to campus to pick me up,” I stammered.

“Rin, it’s not a big deal. I’ll pick you up then,” he gave me a quick up down, corners of his mouth twitching. “All black? The classic Erin vibe. Nice choice.” He turned on his heel and headed down the hall towards his room.

I yelled after him, “What does that even mean!?”

He threw his hand in the air, waving back at me. “I’ll see ya later, Erin. Better hurry up before you’re late.”

I stared after him, a thousand questions running through my head.

The main one being:What the hell was that?

I smiled to myself. “Weirdo.”

I checked the time on my phone, it was a quarter after three; Seth was right. If I didn’t leave now, I’d be late. I grabbed my backpack from the closet, ran to the living room, and out the front door, barely taking the time to lock it behind me. I hopped in my car, stuck my key in the ignition, and drove off.

Let this be a quick shift.

Chapter thirty-two


My shift went by agonizingly slow. I returned cart after cart of books to the stacks, our shelves overflowing. A steady stream of students and professors returned hoards of books throughout the day. Unfortunately for me, among the professors who decided to grace the campus library that day was Mr. Jensin.

“Miss Snow.” His greeting was coarse and oozed annoyance.

So much for being a favorite student of his.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Jensin.” I forced a tight-lipped smile.

“It seems you and Mister Draven have missed a class or two of mine recently. Care to share?”