Page 71 of Wings of Destiny

Josh let out a low chuckle, the sound sent a jolt down my spine. “I’m a businessman. And a good one at that.”

Explains the car…man I really did not get a good look at this thing when he dropped me off last night.

Even I know a luxury car when I see one.

“How do you have time for it? I don’t even know how I’m supposed to balance the Nephilim stuff and school. Let alone my job.” A headache pressed at the front of my skull.

The husked tone of his voice slivered across my skin, goosebumps left in its wake. “Years of practice, Miss Snow,”Josh flipped his turn signal on and turned left down one of the main intersections in town. “You work at the library, correct?”

I stiffened, venom spat from me. “Yes. How did you know that?” I tracked his every move as he drove.

Did Seth tell him?

“Miss Snow, as I mentioned, I am a businessman. With my position, I keep tabs on each individual that myself or any colleagues associate with. And given that we are now colleagues, in addition to the familial relationship you had with Seth, I began keeping tabs on you the moment you two reunited a few years back.”

A punch in the gut, my lips pressed together.

Familial Relationship.


Not wrong.

But ouch.

“Got it, so you’re Captain Creepy?” I jabbed, slightly unnerved by his admission.

What else does he know about me?

As if reading my mind Josh responded, “No need to worry, Miss Snow. Unless a criminal record is found, I do not delve into my colleagues’ pasts. That is none of my concern.”

I looked him over. His button-up a solid black with the sleeves rolled neatly to the elbow; a suit jacket hung on the headrest of his seat. His suit pants matched, held together by a slim black-leather belt. The tendons in his forearms were relaxed but defined. Not a hair out of place.

He’s so… immaculate.

I… I don’t know if I trust that.

We drove in silence as Josh weaved through the road map of streets as we neared campus, then to the outskirts, leaving the city.

“Where are we going?” I finally asked.

This is like the start of a slasher film.

“As I mentioned, I have a business matter to attend to. Thought it would be beneficial for you to accompany me.”

“You said errands. Not business,” I clipped.

“Miss Snow, any errand of mine falls under that category.”

“That sounds awfully boring and mundane,” I said, watching as the trees flew by. I stole a quick glance at the dash, eyeing the speedometer as it slowly crept into the triple digits. “You, uh, want to slow down?” Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed speeding as much as the next person but given the fact that we barely knew each other—well I barely knew him, at least—it made me uneasy. Butterflies jostled around in my stomach, threatening to crawl their way up my throat.

Josh let his foot off the gas, bringing the speed to a saner pace. Barely. “When you’re near immortal, the little nuances of human frailties, such as the fear of perishing in a motor vehicle, are of no concern or consequence.”

Well isn’t someone cocky.

“Okay, I get that to an extent, but I’m new to all of this so if you could maybenotdrive like a maniac that would be absolutely fantastic. And you know, take into consideration that it might be drastically more difficult for you to get killed or injured, but the humans who share the road are very mortal and not indestructible.”

“Careful, Miss Snow. Wearing your heart on one’s sleeve is quite dangerous in the world. If you allow your enemy to see what you hold dear, that may be the very thing they use to break you.”