Page 2 of Wings of Destiny

“Oh, and the best part, my buddy Derik, you remember him? He’ll be tagging along, too. Maybe y’all will hit it off this time,” he said with a wink.

I donotwant to hang out with Derik. The guy is a freaking creep.

I nodded my head and kept my mouth shut. Derik was one of Seth’s closer friends. Why? I had no idea, but I wasn’t going to throw a fit about it. I’d been in a study hole again and, against my better judgment, I needed to get out and socialize with someone besides Seth.

I’d been in our little college town for several years. However, all I had to show for it was one bad relationship, a job at the campus library— that I loved—a tiny apartment, and college debt that had begun to near the several thousand dollar mark after burning through my scholarship.

If Derik tries anything, I’m kicking his frat boy ass.

My lip twitched at the thought.

“Great! We’ll pick you up around seven tomorrow.” Seth waved and walked out the metal doors at the building's entrance, sliding through the hoard of students as they headed home for the day.

I swung my backpack around and dug my keys out of the front pocket. I beeped my little, blue Civic open, got in, and turned on the radio. I let out a breath I’d been holding in. The onslaught of students and staff members at the end of the day had been nerve-wracking. Most days, I could handle the close quarters, people bumping into me, unintentionally shoving me as we each hurried toward the main lot, but with how little sleep I’d been getting, I was on edge. It was like there was static in the air, a snake of electricity, awaiting the perfect moment to strike.

At least my favorite alternative rock band, Roach, is playing.

I’d listened to them for years. My dad got me into them when I was a kid, before everything went to shit. Back then, we had a whole collection of CDs ranging from classic rock to heavy metal that lined the main hallway in my childhood home.

I briefly closed my eyes and felt a sudden shift. The air thickened, a weight fell onto my chest.


What the hell!?


My eyes shot open as I whipped my head from side to side frantically searching for where the noise had came from. I was no longer in my car. And it was pitch black.

I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat. As my eyesight adjusted, it dawned on me that I was in some type of open field in the middle of what seemed like a mountainscape. I looked around and caught a glimpse of a treeline in the distance but no lights or buildings. The clearing was a field of scorched grass and debris. My ass was sitting right in the center of it. A wave of nausea hit me and my stomach turned as spots began to dance in the corners of my vision.

Where the hell am I?

I could’ve sworn I had been in my car in the parking lot on campus. I shook my head and closed my eyes once more as I rubbed the palms of my hands over my lids.

I must be more exhausted than I thought.

“You’ve arrived, it seems.”

I dropped my hands and snapped my head to my right and found someone standing there. Their piercing eyes trained on me and their body unmoving. The hair on the back of my neck rose.

They reached their hand out. “May I assist?”

I kept looking up at them, a total deer-in-the-headlights. “Uh… ”

They grabbed my hand and yanked me up to my feet. Once I was standing, I was able to get a better look at the man in front of me. He was tall with a slender face which contrasted with his broad shoulders. His muscles were clearly visible through his sheer robe, his chest practically bare. Snow-white hair sat just above his shoulders and his eyes were the deepest amber I’d ever seen. I was absolutely starstruck.

Dazed, the words tumbled from my lips. “Where am I?” I flicked my gaze around the clearing again. “Am I dreaming?” My brows furrowed.

“In a way, I suppose. We have been waiting for you.” His gaze bore into me as if he could read my every thought.

Waiting for me?

A shiver ran up my spine. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean?”

“It is almost time. We must prepare.” His voice eerily low, echoed around us.

What is this whack job talking about?