Page 17 of Wings of Destiny

Excuse me?

I threw my hands on my hips, the grocery basket swung around my left arm. “The hell do you mean ‘not ready’? I’m not just going to sit around and wait for this whole Angel-human hybrid bullshit to happen to me. If this is what I’m going to be looking forward to, then I damn well have every right to check this place out too.” I glared Seth down.

“But you can’t protect yourself yet. You just started changing into a Nephilim and you don’t have any powers yet. It’s not safe, Erin.”

“Well too damn bad, Seth, because I’m coming.” I growled and crossed my arms over my chest.

If your ass is going, so am I.

Derik decided to chime in. “Dude, she has a point. If she’s a part of this mess now, she has a right to see for herself.”

Well, what do you know? Ten points to Derik. Maybe he wasn’t so annoying after all.

“Two against one, Seth. I’m going. We’ll grab my stuff from my place then go,” I cooed, the small flame of irritation extinguished.

“Fine, whatever. But you stay close to me. And don’t do anything stupid,” Seth grumbled.


I did a mental fist pump.

I grinned. “Now let’s get this grocery shopping done.”

Three hours later, we had food back in stock at Seth’s place and my necessities packed up in his car from my apartment. Makeup, clothes, mattress, and textbooks. Okay, my mattress was strapped down on top of his car but same difference.

I locked up my apartment and we headed to Seth’s car, Derik in tow. “That didn’t take nearly as long as I thought it would.” I breathed out. I thought we would’ve spent half the day getting my belongings loaded into Seth’s car. Benefits of being surrounded by Nephilims apparently.

“Yeah no kidding. You sure that’s all you need, Erin? It ain’t a lot,” Derik said, turning around in his seat to look at me.

“Honestly, I don’t need much. And considering Seth wouldn’t let me takemycar, I didn’t see the need to overfill this thing with my stuff. I’m not planning on being there long so I just grabbed the necessities. If I get bored or need anything I’ll just raid Seth’s stuff.” I grinned up at Seth in the rearview mirror.

Seth smirked as he rolled his eyes. “You raid my stuff half the time anyway.” This was true. I couldn’t count the amount of times I’d gone through his bookshelves for a new read or rummaged through his closet in his spare room to snag clean sweats after a gruesome workout. Not to mention the hell I’ve put his workout equipment through.

I watched out the window as we pulled up to Seth’s place. The previous twenty-four hours were on repeat in my head.

None of this feels real.

Seth parked and we made our way inside; I carried a couple boxes of my belongings while the guys tag teamed my mattress with my bag of clothes and the rest of my boxes piled on top. I dropped the boxes on his front step and reached for the doorknob. Before I could twist the handle, the door swung open and practically scared the shit out of me.

“Hey girl!” squealed Libby. She threw her arms around me. Hugging me.

“Uh, hi? What are you doing here?” I stammered as I looked over my shoulder at Seth and Derik. Why the hell did Libby, someone Ibarelyknow, squeal at me? I appreciate the enthusiasm, but a warning would’ve been much appreciated.

“Derik texted me earlier to meet you guys here. Said we’re paying Riverside a visit tonight.” She grinned ear to ear and stepped aside to let us through to Seth’s living room as I picked my boxes back up.

“Thought you’d want in, ya know, in case there’s any action. Plus, Pretty Boy here doesn’t think Erin can handle it. Figured if all of us went, he’d ease up,” Derik had a glint in his eye as he stared directly at Seth. “Some extra protection forhis girl.” My eyes damn near bugged out of my head. I high tailed it to the kitchen, nearly dropping the boxes I was carrying.

His girl? The hell does Derik mean by that? Seth would be about as interested in me as a raccoon that found itself in a trash can doused in peppermint oil.

Seth smacked Derik on the back of his head. “Erin just started the whole process, dumbass. She doesn’t know how to protect herself yet. We don’t even know what she’ll be able to do.” I faced away from the three of them but I could feel Seth’s eyes as they bore into my back.

“I’ll watch her, Seth! She’ll be okay with me,” Libby said a bit too cheerily.

I whipped around and glared at them. “I don’t need a damn babysitter. I’m not some child.” I threw my fists on my hips as I glared them down. Derik sported a shit eating grin. Seth rolled his eyes and Libby pouted. Okay, that one I felt bad about. “Not meaning to be a bitch, Libby. I’m sorry.”

Libby perked back up. “It’s okay! I know Seth here can be overprotective. You should’ve seen how he was when I transitioned. The guy wouldn’t leave me alone.” She giggled and I felt a stab in my chest, like someone shoved a damn knife right through.

He said they weren’t dating…but did they before? Did Seth have a thing for her? Does he still?