He finally stood up, making his way to one of his hallway closets. He grabbed one of the biggest and fluffiest blankets he could, along with a spare pillow, and tossed them to me. They covered me instantly, drowning me in a pile of down feathered, stuffed, slate-grey fabric. “Here. I‘ll grab some sweats for you to borrow tonight and we’ll grab your stuff tomorrow. If you want a shower, you know where the towels are.”
I sat under the blanket and chewed everything over. By the time I was done pouting and over analyzing the boatload of information, I realized Seth had already dumped the sweats and baggy T-shirt—okay baggy on me but fit Seth like a glove—on the coffee table and had left me to wallow in my own thoughts.
I really can zone out with the best of them.
Silently, and a bit begrudgingly, I mentally thanked Seth and made my way to the bathroom. A shower sounded like a good idea.
As I stepped out of the shower, I got dressed, splashed some water on my face, and padded out to the hallway. I hesitated and swung a left towards Seth’s room. As much as I hadn’t wanted to admit it, I was kinda being an ass earlier when all he tried to do was explain things.
I knocked on his door to let him know I was coming in. I opened his door and found his back was to me. Shoulders slouched forward, head in his hands. “Seth?” I asked quietly. He stiffened. “Hey, you alright?” He slowly turned towards me. His eyes were heavy and revealed just how tired he really was. A small ball of light shone from where he sat on his bed and illuminated the dark circles under his eyes. The rest of his room was cast in shadow.
Has he not been sleeping lately either?
He popped on a slight smile. His fingers wove between his onyx hair as he gazed up at me sheepishly.
“Hey, sorry. You get that shower in?” I really felt like an ass at that point, I probably woke him up.
“Yeah. Thank you, by the way,” I had one hand behind my back holding onto my other arm, uncomfortable as I stood in the doorway, as if I were invading his privacy. “I’m going to head to bed and wanted to stop in. Go ahead and get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Seth looked at me, his eyes seemed to grow heavier by the second, suddenly looking like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. I turned to walk out to the couch.
“Wait, Erin?” I turned my head.
“You wanna sleep with me?” My eyes damn near shot out of my head and his usual grin spread across his face, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
“Excuse me?” I finally managed to cough out.
He laughed. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Snow. I meant, you wanna sleep in here with me. Notdome. Although, I could show you a thing or two.” He winked at me.
I huffed. “You’re ridiculous,” he patted the bed. “Fine, but you better not try anything fishy, you jerk.”
Seth threw up some type of finger salute. “Scouts honor.”
I scoffed.
Honor my ass.
I caved and fumbled over to the empty side of his bed and climbed in. Not going to lie, it was probably the softest bedding I’d ever laid on. I pulled the covers up over myself and snuggled into them. I felt the blankets behind me rustle and Seth climbed under, facing away from me.
Thank God.
I stared straight ahead and tried to focus on his bedroom wall and not the irrational thrumming in my chest.
Breathe, Erin. Damn.
“Hey, Snow.”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
I sighed.