I gave up and clicked out of the notes. I pulled up my search engine and typed in Lady Leonora, not much hope lingered. “Where did Jensin even get this stuff from?” I mumbled.
The coffee beeped, signaling that it was done brewing. I poured myself a cup, adding in more creamer and sugar than was necessary, and stirred it as I scanned an article that had been published a few years prior, which delved into who this Lady Leonora was. I sipped from my mug.
Lady Leonora, the woman who saved her kingdom. Humanity.
“Well that sounds a bit dramatic.” I read on.
I stopped halfway through the article. “Wait a minute.” I set my mug down on the island and leaned closer to my laptop. Rereading the excerpt in front of me.
She was thought to be the answer. The one destined to rule them all. To wreak havoc. Her power emanated from her. Fire, light, ice, water, and the Earth. The elements bowed to her, and were hers to wield.
The darkness threatened to take her. To use her to reign. To overtake the world as it was known.
In her dying breath, she vowed to protect humanity. In all her power. She would live on. The innocent would be protected. The darkness would not prevail. She whispered a promise to her beloved on her dying breath, a sword thrust between her breasts, her blood oozing from the wound. Flooding her gown.
She was the key to their undoing. And with her, the secret to how they would survive, died.
“Holy. Fucking. Shit.”
I bounced on the balls of my feet. I’d grabbed eggs and pancake mix and set about making a large batch of breakfast. While I let the pancakes cook through, I sent out a mass text, asking Libby and Derik to come over. Even Josh.
The only one I’d heard from was Libby saying she’d be at Seth’s within fifteen minutes. Nothing came through from the guys and Seth was still hunkered down in his room, passed the fuck out.
I flipped the last stack of pancakes and eggs onto the serving plate when Libby walked in.
“Good morning!” she said, chipper as ever, a smile graced her lips, spreading from cheek to cheek. She inhaled the aroma wafting from the kitchen. “Oh! You made breakfast! It smells amazing, Erin!”
“Yeap!” I attempted to keep the anxiety from my voice as she padded to the kitchen, sliding into one of the stools at the island.
She leaned her elbows on the counter, her white tank top perfectly accentuated her toned, tanned arms. She flipped her blonde bob to the side, waving her bangs away from her eyes as they glistened in the natural light flowing in from the massive windows that rested above the kitchen cabinets behind me.
“So, Erin, what’s up?” Libby flashed me a smile, unaware of the information dump that was about to be plopped in her lap.
I set a plate of eggs and pancakes in front of her and passed her the syrup. She eyed me as she sliced and bit into her food. Curiosity danced within the emeralds of her face.
“I, uh. I might have a lead.”
Libby’s eyebrows shot sky high. Her fork dropped from her grip. “What!?”
“You can see memories too, right?”
Libby nodded, her mouth hanging open.
“If I give you my hand, can you sort through what I saw and found? Is that okay?” I asked, my voice growing a bit shaky in anticipation. Libby nodded and I held my hand out for her to take, letting her reach forward.
Her hand gripped mine and her pupils dilated, turning a light grey, the irises a pure white. Her shoulders jolted but she held firm. I searched her face, looking for any signs of pain or concern. Libby’s lips strewn tight, a shade of blue tinged her lips. “Libby?” I called her name. Another minute passed and her head was thrown back on her shoulders. “Libby!” I hissed and leaped over the island, catching her before she toppled backward ontothe hardwood. I was able to get myself underneath her in time and we landed with a loud thud on the ground.
Libby’s shoulders shook, as she regained her focus, her eyes returned to their usual bright green.
“Are you okay!? I thought you said the visions with other people weren’t as harsh?” I twisted her in my lap, even though she towered over me typically, and searched her face for any pain.
Libby brushed herself off, wriggled out of my grasp, and sat back on her heels. “You’re as bad as Seth and Derik,” she let out a tight laugh and dusted herself off. “But yes, I’m fine. They usually aren’t that intense. Especially given what you showed me. It’s odd.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, Erin.” The tips of her mouth slanted upward.
“What do you think?” I asked. My gut turned as I awaited her response.