“But I didn’t. Relax, Sweetheart. Try the drink, I think you’ll like it.”
I glared at him as he hopped over the couch, landing next to me; the thought of shooting a small fireball at him crossed my mind. I took a sip of the drink he handed me, my eyes widening. “There’s booze in this? It’s fucking delicious!”
He let out a low laugh, it reverberated through my bones, squeezing itself around the quickening muscle within my chest. “What do you think? Pretty good, huh?” Seth took a long pull from his, a smirk behind his glass.
“Why do you keep doing that?” I asked, taking another hefty gulp of my own bluish goodness.
“Keep doing what?” Seth arched his eyebrow and finished off his drink in record time.
“Calling me Sweetheart. It’s weird.”
He shrugged and got up, eyeing my cup. “You want another one?”
I knocked it back and handed him the empty cup. “You didn’t answer me.” I brought my legs up to the couch, tucking them under myself as I twisted toward the open kitchen.
He tossed some blue liquor into a cobbler shaker and followed it up with some clear-greenish liquor. I squinted and saw it was a flavored moonshine.
Oh, this is going to hit me hard as shit.
Seth dropped the top of the cobbler on and shook it. His arms flexing with the movement as he threw some oomph into it. I caught myself salivating.
“You’d make a killing as a bartender.” It slipped out before I could stop myself.
He smirked. “Oh yeah?”
“One thousand percent. You’d rack up tips like crazy. And the ladies would be all over you.” I laughed, ignoring the slight twang in my chest.
I blinked. From across the room, his eyes darkened. His mouth twitched. “What if I wasn’t concerned about the ‘ladies’ aspect?”
“Well, considering you are a guy, who is above average height, rather attractive—as most women would think—and ooze Golden Retriever vibes, I’d say you’re either in denial or pulling my leg.” There was no denying the blush that overtook the entirety of my face and neck.
If any of this comes back to bite me in the morning, I’m chalking it up to being absurdly drunk.
He narrowed his eyes. “Golden Retriever vibes? I remind you of a damn dog?”
“Okay, first off, Goldens are freaking adorable so calm the frick frack down, Sassy Pants. Secondly, yeah. It’s like, a guy who is super easy going, carefree, and like your best friend. Huge heart and super sweet. Like a Golden Retriever.”
“So, you are comparing me to a dog?” He craned his neck towards me. His forehead creased, brows pushing together in confusion.
“Ugh, no! I just. I’m just saying you’re a good guy and any girl would be crazy about you.”
He paused, his gaze catching mine. “What about you?”
I froze. “I. I…Seth, you’re my best friend,” I stammered. His face fell.
“Yeah, best friend.” Seth’s shoulders slumped as he walked over, drinks in hand.
Fix it, Snow!
“Wait, Seth. That’s not. That’s not what I mean. I mean, obviously, I’m not blind,” he perked up a little. “We’ve just been friends so long, best friends…I don’t want to ruin anything.” I grabbed my cup, my fingers grazed his, my eyes glued to his.
“How do you know anything would be ruined?” He tilted his head, his pupils dilated. The darkest depths of the ocean glimmered within them, drawing me in.
I can’t.
“I…I…I’m not someone you’d want to be with Seth. I mean look at me. I’m average, if that. I blend in. Besides this past nightmare of a month, my nose is usually stuck in a book. I’m a mess and a half. I mean, hell, my own father went running in the opposite direction. I have zero friends outside of you,” I wobbled my head a bit. “Okay, maybe you and Ashlin. And Libby and Derik seem to tolerate me. But that’s it. The coolest thing about me is I can apparently spit fire and lightning from my fingers. And that’s only recent. You could do better.”
“What if I don’t want to do better, Erin?” He paused, seeing the hurt on my face. He swore under his breath. “That’s not what I mean,” he ran his fingers through his hair, gripping it as he pulled it back. “What I mean is, you’re more than that. So muchmore and I…wish you could see yourself the way I see you. The way the world sees you.” His eyes desperately searched mine.