“That’s because you put it on backwards, Miss Snow,” he motioned toward it. “May I be of assistance?”
I huffed. “Fine.”
Josh moved behind me and slid the straps up my arms, his fingers brushed against my arm as he did so. I was grateful for the long sleeve and jacket, as goosebumps formed along my skin at his touch.
I cleared my throat as he finished strapping me in. “Thanks.”
He nodded in response.
“Now what?”
He smirked. “Now, Miss Snow, we train.” Josh headed to the front door; I followed a few steps behind, grabbing my sword from where I’d placed it on the counter along the way. We trailed to the clearing behind Seth’s house, another bonus of being on such a large plot of land on the edge of town. The clearing was hidden by a line of evergreens on all sides, full and thick, shielding us perfectly from the rare passerby.
Josh stopped in the center and drew a wooden dagger from his waistband. I lifted the sword from my side, testing the weight of it in my grip.
This feels great. Should be easy enough.
Not sure if I’m holding it right but we’re going for it.
As I held it steady in front of me, Josh shot forward, knocking it out of my hand and nearly landing me on my ass.
“What the hell, dude?” I yelled, dusting myself off. I went to pick my sword off the ground and jumped when one of my daggers came flying at me causing me to yelp as it narrowly missed me, landing right at my feet. “Josh!’
He sauntered over, twirling his wooden dagger between his fingers. He bent down and reached his hand out. I swatted it away.
“What the actual fuck was that? What is wrong with you?”
He shrugged. “Never let your guard down, Miss Snow. You never know who your enemies may be.”
I glared at him. “So, your solution was to send a dagger. A fucking dagger. Right at me? Versus talking and explaining ‘hey be on the ready in case someone tries to kill you.’ Please tell me how that makes more sense.”
“Miss Snow, given your attitude, if I’d simply stated that, you would’ve brushed it off, huffed at me, and went about another one of your begrudging staredowns in an attempt to come off far more intimidating than you actually are.”
My mouth hung open.
“Hm. Interesting. Silence, that’s a first,” he drew his wooden dagger and eyed my iron one on the grass. “Now, let’s begin. Pick up your weapon, Miss Snow.”
I grumbled but followed his instruction and reached for my sword. Josh swatted my hand with the wooden dagger.
“Not that one.”
“Well, why the hell not? Bigger is always better right? More damage and all that jazz.”
Josh’s expression fell neutral. “In certain instances, absolutely, Miss Snow. But not in this case. You have yet to truly train whilst holding a weapon, and beginning with an elongated sword would not be wise if either of us wish to retainallparts of our bodies attached.”
“That’s assuming of you,Joshua. I can handle it.” To prove my point, I gripped my sword and stood. I lifted my arms and swung it above my head. And to my horror, the sudden weight distribution had my arms continuing backwards. Suddenly pulled downward by the weight of the sword, the rest of my body followed, and I ended up flinging myself backward. My feet hit the air as my back landed flat on the grass with a loud ‘oof’ escaping my lips.
Josh cleared his throat. “As I was saying, Miss Snow…”
I huffed between breaths, and flipped him off. “Fuck. Right. The. Fuck. Off.”
“Alright, let’s get you to your feet then,” Josh bent down and grabbed my wrists, hauling my bruised ass up. “And just so that you are aware, it is strictly Josh, not Joshua.”
I mimicked him as I stuck my tongue out.
“Now, Miss Snow, if you are finished screwing around, we may begin your lesson.” He stood with his hands behind his back, staring at me.
Excuse me…you mean wehaven’tstarted yet?