Page 63 of Their Demon

She talked and laughed a lot, sounds I never wanted to go without hearing ever again. She seemed determined to make the best of this day, and while I applauded her for her courage, a small part of me wondered if she was treating it as her last day—a thought that didn’t sit well with me.

I tried to get her to open up about it during our last training, but she refused, saying she wanted to enjoy the day and not dwell on things she couldn’t control. Her excuse only served to confirm my suspicions.

When I came to fetch her for bed, she was lying between the twins. As usual, I caught them preparing her for their carnal desires. They couldn’t fucking put their dicks away for anything.

“Let’s go,” I prodded Lillian for the third time, growing impatient. I couldn’t wait to have her in my room all to myself again—not that anything would actually happen. She was reluctant to leave her bed, which irritated me.

“Keir…” Aiden groaned. “You’re such a fucking cockblock.”

“It is a bit much. It’s only seven o’clock,” Nicholas added.

“Then it’s a good thing I came for her early. Am I the only one respecting the ‘no sex’ rule?”

They snickered, even Lillian.

“Yeah, but it’s easier for you since you’re not used to getting it every day.” Aiden gestured to Lillian with his eyes.

“Fuck you, Aiden,” I gritted out, my self-control paper thin now. I was ready to throw her over my shoulder and spank her ass the whole way to my room for making me deal with this shit. Why couldn't she just stop being a brat and listen to me?

“What’s the harm, Keir?” Lillian’s soft voice called out to me.

I let out a breath so I didn’t snap at her. “You need rest. Tomorrow is a big day, ahugeday. If you’re tired because of them…”

“I’m a big girl,” she teased. “Besides, if this is my last nigh—”

“No,” I said loudly—too loudly, apparently, given that everyone jumped. Not only did I not want her to saythat, but I was also a little hurt she'd want to spend her last night with them instead of me—not that I’d given her much of a reason to choose me, but it still hurt. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” She swallowed the rest of her words and nodded. “Please,” I implored her. “Come to bed with me tonight, and tomorrow, you can sleep in your bed like normal. I promise.”

I could see the conflict in her eyes. She was battling between her choices: coming with me or staying with them. Did she know if she chose the latter, I’d throw her over my shoulder and carry her to my bed anyway?

She appeared to settle on her decision as she straightened her spine and stood.

Good choice.

Was it a choice?she countered, making me smirk.

Maybe,I thought playfully.

Aiden grabbed her arm before she made it very far and pulled her to stand between his legs as he sat on the edge of the bed. He whispered something that sounded like he loved her and would miss her, which I rolled my eyes at, then pulled her in for a hug and grabbed her ass as he stared at me, mocking me.

“Scream if Keir tries anything, little one,” Aiden teased. “He hasn’t been laid in ages, so he may attempt an attack on you.”

I snarled, but Lillian seemed pleased with the last statement, possibly even relieved.

Lucky for my little brother, she was grabbed by Nicholas, saving him from my wrath.

“Get some good sleep. I’ll make sure breakfast is ready for you when you wake up. Any requests?” Nicholas kissed her.

She perked up a bit at his question, which pushed her plump, round ass toward me. The long list of foods she wanted on the table in the morning was drowned out as I thought about how many smacks it would take to turn her pale ass red. My hand would look so spectacular branded across her cheeks.

Nicholas’s arms snaked around her waist, and he tightened them enough to pull her off her feet and make her squeal. I ignored the stab in my gut and cleared my throat, signaling that it was time to go.

After giving each of my brother’s another quick kiss, she walked in my direction, grabbing some folded clothes from her nightstand. “I’m ready.”

She was wearing a robe, and the sides were pulling away from each other enough to reveal too much of her tits. The end of it barely covered her thighs, and I swear to Satan, she wasn’t wearing any underwear. When she noticed me staring, she giggled.

For the first time in, well, ever, I felt heat rise to my cheeks. I was embarrassed, but there was no hiding the fact that this woman had just made me blush. Me, the fucking heir to Hell’s throne, blushing at a human woman.

She wasn’t just any woman, though. She was everything. The women before her were nothing. I’d practically forgotten I’d ever been with anyone else, after seeing her offer herself on our altar, and I’d not been with anyone since. I blamed the strange feelings on her being my destined love, but the more time I spent with her, the more I leaned toward it being more than fate.