The way her hips swung side to side as she walked in front of me made my mouth water and my cock whine. My limited restraint was ready to break, my hands itching to grab her and remind her who she belonged to. It seemed she’d forgotten she wasn’t just the twins’. If only she knew about the pull that bonded us and its importance.
She side-eyed me as we got to my door. “I’m going to shower first.” She paused. “If that’s okay.”
I closed the door behind me, almost wishing I was on the other side.
For fucking Satan’s sake,of courseshe wanted to shower in my room. She couldn’t have requested this at a worse time. Knowing she would be naked in the other room while no one else was around? That was a recipe for disaster, one I’d been fighting every instinct to avoid.
I turned away from her. “That’s fine. It’s over there. Towels are hanging on the wall.” I half-heartedly pointed toward my bathroom, as if she hadn’t been here last night, like she couldn’t see the mirror and sink through the cracked door.
I stared at an invisible speck sitting on my bedpost until the door clicked shut. Only then did my body relax. Barely.
The shower turned on, and I picked up a book that had been sitting on my nightstand, desperately needing the distraction.Hell’s Portals and Its Mysterieswas a book I’d read so many times growing up, Ida had to have a local book conservator fix the binding several times.
I’d read it eight more times since Lillian had come to Hell with us.Shewas the fucking mystery, though. Fate was a bitch, bringing me the one person I had to have yet would never be able to claim.
Chapter 28
Several chapters later, I needed to use the restroom, but the bathroom door was still shut, the shower still running.
What the fuck was taking her so lon—
If I’d been breathing any harder, I wouldn’t have heard it.
A moan.
A tiny, breathy, desperate moan came from the bathroom—mybathroom.
I fought the urge to call out her name and risk spooking her. Once I reached the door, I flattened my ear against the surface. I could hear it all better now: the buzz of a toy, her heavy breathing, her groans. She was trying so hard to be quiet, that was evident, perhaps with her hand over her mouth, judging from the muffled noise.
The buzzing stopped.
“Fucking hell,” I heard her mutter, followed by a light thud as what I’m guessing was her head hit the wall. After a few seconds, the buzzing started again, and she went silent.
I stayed put, waiting for her final act, feeling ravenous for her lusty moans. After a long, unbearable minute, I still hadn’t heard a peep from her, nothing except that faint buzzing sound.
“Lillian?” I called out to her as I rapped my knuckles against the door. “You okay in there?”
Still nothing.
“Lillian?” I asked again, a bit louder, worry etching its way into my voice. Why wasn’t she answering me?
I’m fucking broken, I heard her say in my head.I can’t fucking do it.
Lillian? Are you okay?
I heard her gasp, then a thump followed by an even louder buzzing noise.
Fuck it,I thought to myself as I tried to open the locked door unsuccessfully. I growled before ramming into the door, forcing it to give way, and stumbling into the bathroom.
She yelped and tried to cover her tiny, exposed body with her even tinier hands. The sight would have been cute if she hadn’t been fucking naked in my bathroom, a crimson color spreading all over her face and chest, even creeping down the valley between her breasts.
“Keir!” she scolded.
The vibrator, barely three inches long, danced across the floor as we stood frozen, eyes locked on each other. It was the loudest fucking noise I’d ever heard in my life.
I cleared my throat, trying my hardest to shove the amusement down. “You going to get that?”