“For what?” He looked perplexed.
“For giving me a home.”
His lips parted, and he seemed to freeze momentarily before returning to his room. “It’s probably time to get you to bed, princess.”
I tried not to let his response bother me, but I couldn’t help but wonder what he wasn’t telling me. Clearly, he’d wanted to say something more than that, but he held himself back.
I accompanied him back to the room and chose to lie on the right side of the bed. I took note of the fact there was onlyone pillow, and I pushed it to the other side for him. When he spotted me in the bed, he raised his eyebrows.
“Did I take your spot?” I sat up, ready to move if I needed to.
“It’s just odd to see someone in my bed,” he responded, waving his hand for me to lay back down.
I couldn’t help the giddy feeling that crept up at the fact Keir wasn’t used to seeing someone else in his bed. Maybe my assumptions about him being with other women were wrong.
Unless he fucks them somewhere else. Maybe he doesn’t want to bring them here.
My ability to overthink pissed me off sometimes.
Keir settled in on the other side of the bed, lying on the edge to keep as much space between us as possible. “Here.” He pushed the pillow at me. “Take it,” he insisted when I shook my head. “Or I will just throw it on the floor, and no one will use it.”
I rolled my eyes and tucked the pillow under me, thankful once my head hit the soft surface. His bed smelled just like him: earthy with a shot of whiskey.
He hit a few buttons on his phone, and the lights turned off, darkness washing over us.
“You’re welcome,” I heard from his side of the bed.
He couldn’t see me, so I let the biggest smile ever spread on my face at his late response to what I’d said earlier. He’d been slowly proving that he did, in fact, have a beating heart beneath that hardened exterior.
I liked it.
A lot.
Chapter 27
Having Lillian in my bed all night was the stupidest thing I could’ve ever condemned myself to.
I didn’t sleep.
Not a wink.
How could I when she was so close to me in her most vulnerable state? It was pitch black in my room, but I still managed to see her silhouette lying there, breathing softly, her chest rising and falling at a slow, steady rate.
Even in the dark, I was drawn to her, every fiber of my body wanting to reach over and pull her close to me. I wanted to envelop her with my body and never let go. I wanted to strip us both of our clothes and feel her bare skin against mine, touching every inch of her until I’d mapped it all out. I wanted to spread her legs so I could finally taste her, then fill her with every drop of cum I had.
Relief flooded me when the sun rose, and me with it.
She was still sleeping soundly when I returned from my morning shower. The sheets were at her waist, and her little top had ridden up, leaving the underneath of her breasts in view.
The yearning I felt to lick from her belly button to each of her nipples made my cock hard beneath the towel wrapped around my waist, despite the fact I’d just relieved myself in the shower. I quickly grabbed the clothes I’d forgotten and returned to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
By the time I was out, she was gone, the shape of her body still imprinted into the sheet. I forced the pang in my chest her loss left away, not wanting to start this morning dwelling on the body of the woman who would return to my bed tonight. It was going to be a long day as it was.
Lillian’s first trial was tomorrow. She was about to face a fucking Hell Dragon. Alone.
The thought made me sick to my stomach, sweat breaking out on my skin at the prospect of losing her. My imagination ran rampant as images of Lillian dead or dying in my arms flashed through my mind. Her smooth skin was bruised, bloodied, and even burned. I saw the life leaving her body as I was powerless to stop it, and her eyes fluttered shut as she took her last breath.