“Girl time. We understand, baby. We will be right here if you need us.” Nicholas patted his brother’s shoulder, and they started walking to the couches.
“What if we go for a walk?” Mavis suggested.
The twins turned on their heels immediately, both shaking their heads.
“Yeah, no.” Aiden wore a serious expression.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Nicholas said immediately after.
Mavis gave them an incredulous look. “Just around the building. She’ll be fine!”
I tried my best to give them a compelling pout, the idea of stretching my legs and breathing in fresh air while hanging out with Mavis sounding like heaven.
The twins exchanged glances, a silent conversation happening between them, before looking back at us with identical sighs.
“You can go on a walk,” Aiden stated.
“But we go with you,” Nicholas followed up.
Mavis rolled her eyes. “Fine, but you stay ten feet back.”
I snorted, finding the show hilarious as the twins looked like they were trying to figure out what to do with my negotiator.
“Ten feet,” I reiterated, crossing my arms and giving them the best ‘I’m not backing down’ look I could muster.
They tried to keep straight faces, probably hoping we’d crack first, but Nicholas started to smile, which quickly turned into a chuckle.
Aiden backhanded his brother’s arm, and Nicholas shrugged. “I can’t say no to that.” He gestured at me, still giving him my serious face. “She’s too adorable to refuse.” He left his brother to stand with us.
“You’re outnumbered,” Mavis pointed out to Aiden.
“Let’s go,” I chimed in, turning to the elevator.
“Tenfeet. That’s it,” Aiden reminded everyone as he joined us, pushing the button to take us to the bottom floor. “If anyone so much as looks at you wrong, I’m treating them to a painful death.”
“I’ll help with that,” Nicholas said with too much excitement.
“Satan’s sake, no wonder you never get out,” Mavis whispered to me, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. “This is going to be fun.”
I nodded. I’d only ever gone a few select places with one of the princes or to the council meetings and trials, minus the ‘sneak out’ with Ida, but even then, I was in the car until we hit the suburbs. Anxiety crept its way up my spine.
Before we even reached the door to go outside, I could already see just how busy it was here in the city. It was like everyone walked, the sidewalk filled with hustle and bustle.
“So, what’s this I hear about your mom walking in on you and someone?” I immediately asked Mavis as our feet hit the pavement.
She turned and made sure the twins were staying the agreed ten feet away before turning back to me with such excitement, I swear she started bouncing down the sidewalk.
“It’s nothing serious, seriously, but it has gotten…” She looked ahead, searching for the right word. “Passionate?”
“How so?” I shouldered her with a laugh. “You’ve got to tell me everything. I didn’t even know there was a guy! I can’t believe you kept that from me.”
“There wasn’t a guy.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Not until a few days ago, anyway.”
“A few days ago?” My jaw dropped. “And Ida already caught you?” I looked up, noticing the people ahead of us moving off the sidewalk rather quickly. “I’d say that’s passionate.”
“Hey now, watch it Miss ‘I fuck all three princes of Hell at once’,” she teased back.
“I do not!” I swatted her, turning red and hoping the twins did not hear where this conversation was going. “Not all at once, anyway,” I added quickly with a twinge of disappointment.