Page 131 of Their Demon

“Yeah…” I was honestly so shocked at the thoughtfulness with which he’d handled the situation.

The ding of the elevator sounded before I could say anything more.

I looked around at the princes. “Who the fuck is here?” I said as I jumped down, scrambling to pull my clothes on.

“Shit. She’s early,” Keir said as he helped me pull my clothes on.

Chapter 53


I felt my cheeks burn like they’d been set on fire. I was thankful my clothes were on by the time she walked in, and I turned an even brighter shade of red when Mavis walked in behind her, a cheeky smile forming on her face.

“No…” Ida looked at us like she was horrified. “You didn’t…”

I looked away from her. It was clear she knew what we’d just done, probably from the level of disheveled we appeared and the fact that I couldn’t stop blushing like I’d just been caught doing something naughty.

“You’reembarrassed?” Ida looked like she’d just witnessed a murder. “I’ve cooked… I’veeatenon these counters!” She swatted Keir in the back of his head, which was a reach for her. It was quite comical to witness.

“Hey,” he huffed at her.

“Don't ‘hey’ me,” Ida snapped, though there was a somewhat playful tone to her voice. “Get the cleaner. I want these counters scrubbed. You two can clean your mess.”

Keir readily obeyed her and even handed me a rag of my own. We started cleaning the area where we’d been having our ‘fun’, and Ida started on another.

“Ida, we didn’t—”

She waved her hand at me. “I don’t need to know where all you’ve participated in such activities. In fact, I’d prefer to never know, thank you very much. I doubt this is the first time you’ve used my kitchen as your bedroom.”

The twins looked at me with smirks on their faces.

“It’s technically our kitchen,” Keir poked at her as Mavis sat down at the table with the twins, still smiling at me, as if she couldn’t wait to hear all the details about what had just transpired.

Ida shot him a look that said, ‘don’t start with me,’ and he raised his hands in surrender.

Once the counters were clean and Keir and I found our place at the table between Mavis and Nicholas, the timer went off for Keir’s cake. Ida smiled and put her hand over her heart when she opened the oven, which made Keir sit up a little taller.

When she brought it to the table with some yogurt and fruit, she eyed Keir with a pointed finger. “This doesn’t excuse you from dirtying up my counters.” Then she looked at me the same way, and I was startled. “And I did not expect this out of you.” She paused, looking around at all of us, slowly losing her will to keep a straight face. She shook her head and chuckled. “What am I to do with you lot? In fact, just the other day, I walked in the front door and caught Mavis tangled up on the couch with so—”

“Mom!” Mavis shrieked next to me.

I shot my friend a look of my own with my eyebrows raised and my mouth open. “I expect to hear about this later.” She nodded, but her expression told me it was not a breakfast topic, so I dropped it with a laugh.

“Let’s just eat before we have to hear any more… confessions.” Keir passed plates out, and we all took what we wanted of the food.

Mavis told me about her mom discovering Spade when he decided to tear her bedroom door open and head straight forIda’s bedroom. Apparently, Ida was furious, but she got over it rather quickly.

“He wagged his way into my heart, what can I say?” Ida responded to the situation. “It’s not like I was going to let the poor thing go back to living life on a chain. I’m not a monster.” She waved her hands like keeping the neighbor’s dog as their own was no big deal.

When everyone finished breakfast, Keir and Ida got ready to leave the flat, but not before he gave me a knee-weakening kissin front of everyone. Mavis was wagging her eyebrows at me when I came up for air.

“We’re going to follow up on some leads about tomorrow’s trial, see if we can get an idea of what you might be up against,” he said after the kiss, giving me one more on my forehead for good measure. “Be a good girl for me, okay? The twins will be around while you and Mavis catch up. Don’t leave their side, princess. We are so close to the finish line.”

After telling him I’d be safe and stay with the twins a million times, he finally left with Ida, leaving Mavis and me with the twins.

“So what are we gonna do?” Aiden asked as he gave one loud clap and rubbed his hands together.

Mavis and I both shot him looks. His eyes widened.