Page 21 of Their Offering

I heard a noise coming from the back of the room, but I still couldn’t see anything. “Hello?” I repeated as my heart rate picked up. Were they here?

“I always knew you were a slut. I just never wanted to believe it.” That wasn’t them. That was––

Austin stepped out from the shadows wearing a wicked smile. Geez, he was relentless.

I relaxed and rolled my eyes as I stepped down to the center of the room where the altar was. Obviously, I needed to be clearer, even if it hurt him in the process. I needed to be a little mean.

“Austin, please. This has to stop. I’m sorry if I really did lead you on. I didn’t mean to do that. I thought I was being clear about my intentions. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He walked toward me, and I kept talking. “I’m not looking for a relationship. That’s not my thing. You’re a great guy, and one day you’ll find a great girl, but that girl is not me. I just...”

“You know what kind of girl fucks random dudes in a creepy old building in the middle of the woods?” He stopped at the other end of the altar, fury shining in his eyes. “A filthy. Fucking. Whore.” He practically spat the words at my face.

I’d never seen Austin so worked up. He’d always been a sweet guy who never got angry. I felt awful; this was my fault. I never should’ve slept with him when I knew how strongly he felt about me.Idid this to him.Ipushed him. I might have even broken him.

“I am so sorry,” I whispered, looking into his enraged eyes. I really was sorry. I never meant to hurt him; I only meant to use him, which sounded horrible, but it was only supposed to be a fling.

“No, Lilly. You’re not sorry, but you’re gonna be.” He moved toward me again, moving around the altar.

Instinct kicked in, and I turned to run out the door, but he was already behind me. He grabbed my ponytail and pulled my head back so my chin was craned to the ceiling.

“Austin, stop. You’re hurting me.” I tried to pry his hand from my hair, but it only made him grip tighter, the pain making me cry out.

“Shut the hell up, Lillian. No one can hear you scream out here anyway.” He pressed his chest to my back, and I tried to pull away, but he wrapped his other arm around my body, holding my arms down and pressing me harder into him. “You owe me, baby, and I’m going to take what’s mine whether you’re willing or not.”

I cried out again as he used my hair to force me to my knees. The impact brought tears to my eyes.

“Please, Austin.” I tried adjusting my head to loosen his hold, but he wouldn’t give in.

“Already begging? I’ll give you something to beg for, bitch.” I heard a zipper fall and realized he reallywasgoing to do this.

I tried to stand and push against him, but he used my hair to whip me around to face him before he slapped me with his free hand. The smack sent me tumbling back into the altar, disorienting me, my cheek instantly burning hot.

“Stop fighting it. I’m going to take it anyway, so be a good little whore and make this easy on both of us. Or don’t.” His lips curved up with sick delight. “It’ll just make it more interesting for me.” He grabbed my shoulders and shoved my face into the altar, grinding himself against my ass. “Maybe I’ll finally take a piece of this ass too.” He snickered, the sound sending chills down my spine.

I tried pushing against him, but he grabbed my sides so tight, I couldn’t make my body move. Instead, it curled into itself, trying to lessen the pain. I whimpered, silently praying for some higher force to intervene and save me.

He let go of one side to reach around and unfasten my jeans. As he pulled my bottoms down, I tried to wriggle free, but he slammed his hips into mine over and over, driving my hips into the stone until I stopped fighting so the pain would end.

“Put your hands behind your back,” he demanded. I heard the thump of every loop he yanked his belt through as he removed it hastily.

I shook my head, starting to sob. “No. Please, Austin,please. You don’t have to do this. I won’t tell anyone. Just let me go.”

I felt a sharp pain on my inner thigh and didn’t realize what he’d done until I felt the warm trickle of blood drip down my leg, all the way to my ankle. He fucking cut me!

“Do it now, or I’ll keep cutting.”

While in shock, I must’ve hesitated too long for his liking, so I was rewarded with a matching cut on my other thigh. I screamed out as I laid my head on the altar and placed both hands behind my back. I didn’t want to give in. Ihatedthat I was giving in, but I couldn’t take the pain anymore, and there was no way I was strong enough to fight him off. I was helpless and weak. I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped he’d make it quick.

Once my hands were restrained, he pulled his hips off me. I felt him caress each of my ass cheeks before smacking them both,hard. It stung like hell, and that made me cry even harder.

“Stop your crying.” Using my arms, he pulled me upright, spun me, and shoved me back down onto the altar. The pressure of my body on my restrained arms was painful and kept me immobile, exactly as he wanted. I shook as tears and snot mixed in a stream down my cheeks.

“Please,” I begged and gasped through my tears.

He snatched my chin and squeezed hard enough that I thought my jaw might break. I screamed, and he let me go, only to slap me across the face again.

He didn’t say anything as he took off his clothes, his eyes never leaving my body as he watched me closely. He looked as though he was really enjoying himself, and my stomach churned at the monster I’d created. Once he was fully naked, he grabbed right above both my knees, gripping hard enough to bruise.

I yelled and thrashed against him, but I couldn’t get away. I was trapped.