He didn’t need to repeat himself. I squeezed them harder, then moved my fingers to my nipples, pinching and plucking at them. I moaned and my back arched, allowing him to go even deeper. It still wasn’t enough.
Garrett hooked his arms under my knees, pulling me to him with each thrust. I closed my eyes and pictured myself on the altar. The way Aiden’s eyes burned right through me. The way his mouth felt between my legs. The way his twin held me down for him. The way he filled me with his cock like I was going to burst. The way he commanded my body. The way it listened––the way he made me come over and over again.
I moaned and I pinched my nipple harder. I could feel it building.Yes. I was going to cross the finish line.
“Fuck me. Harder. Please.” I didn’t open my eyes to the man between my legs. Instead, I pictured Aiden between them instead, fucking me like a ragdoll.
My lips parted, and my head fell back as I came. My breath was ragged as the sounds of pleasure flowed freely from my lips. I felt Garrett stiffen as he finished along with me, and then neither of us moved for a while.
I finally opened my eyes once Garrett slid out and cleaned himself up. When he turned back to me, now dressed in sweats, he gave me an odd look, like he was about to say something awkward. “So…”
I sat up, embarrassed. “I’ll go home, don’t worry. I don’t need to stay here. You don’t have to kick me out.” I’d done this many times before. I knew the drill.
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Definitely not what I was going to say. I’m good for those after-sex cuddles.” He winked, and I couldn’t help the way the corners of my mouth twitched. “No strings attached, I swear.” He threw his hands up in surrender. “Plus, it's way too late for a gentleman like me to kick out a lady like you.”
I nearly snorted. I wasnota lady, but he didn’t need to know that.
He continued. “I just didn’t know if you knew you were moaning another guy’s name there at the end.” He shrugged. “It’s fine, we just met, and this was just sex. It’s not like I expected my name, but it caught me off guard. Just thought you might want to know.”
I felt the heat in my cheeks immediately. I had moanedAiden’sname; I didn’t need Garrett to confirm it for me. I was thinking of being fucked by a prince of Hell, and I moaned his name while another man had his cock inside me. That had to be an all-time low for me.
I let out a breath with a wince. “Wow. Fuck. I am so sorry. It’s just––”
“Lilly, you don’t owe me an explanation. Your life is your own, but if this guy is on your mind when you’re in bed with someone else, maybe you should think about that. This is coming from someone who spent too long in the bed of someone whowasthinking of someone else. I know what I’m talking about.” He gave me a sympathetic smile and crawled under the covers. He patted the spot next to him. “Come on. Let’s get some sleep. Then tomorrow, you can go find this Aiden guy.”
I shook my head and bit my lip, hesitating for a moment before I crawled in next to him. I needed to fuck more mature men, men like Garrett. After sex cuddles? No strings attached? Even after I moaned another guy’s name? A girl could get used to this.
I slept with Garrett’s arms wrapped tightly around me. I dreamt of the princes again, but they just stared at me this time, refusing to get anywhere near me. They were disappointed in me for sleeping with someone else. It served them right for leaving me here, though.
The following morning, Garrett cooked us breakfast and gave me some painkillers for the hangover. We hung out until noon, after he insisted I stay to try his killer lasagna. He said his girlfriend hated carbs and would never eat his food. I felt bad for him, plus I loved pasta, so I stayed and ate lunch. Itwaskiller.
After lunch, he offered to drive me home, but I had him take me to Katie’s instead. He dropped me off with a chaste kiss on my cheek and well wishes, thanking me for the night before.
I should have been swooning. Garrett was handsome, a true gentleman, but I wasn’t even thinking about him. I was thinking of my princes of Hell.
Fuck. I needed a girl talk so bad.
Chapter 10
As usual, Katie had her door open by the time I climbed the porch steps. Her jaw was dropped as she stared behind me at the guy who’d brought me here. I turned and waved back at Garrett as he drove away.
“Oh, my god. You fucked Garrett? Garrett Holston?TheGarrett Holston? The guy literally every girl in school wanted to be with?” She took a breath, then her face scrunched up in confusion. “Wait, isn’t he practically married?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes.Yes. And no, she cheated on him, and he needed to get over her.” I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. “I needed a good fuck after being so disappointed by Austin’s performance.”
Her eyes widened. “You fucked Austin too?”
“Hey, don’t slut shame me. Yes, I fucked Austin.” I sat down on her couch and let out a long, dramatic breath. “It was nothing. Literally. Uneventful car sex.” I told her about cutting things off with Austin, Garrett showing up, going back to his house, and even how I moaned Aiden’s name.
I avoided her face the entire time. I was starting to feel ashamed about last night, and Ineverfelt shame. My body was mine to do with as I pleased, but a small voice in the back of my head asked if that was still true. Sex drove all my actions last night. I blamed the princes, but I was too needy for my own good.
Maybe my therapist was right. I was addicted to sex. Unfortunately, these princes had ruined my sex life in just one night.
“Whoa.” She went to her kitchen and returned with two water bottles. I took one of them as she sat beside me, crossing her legs under her. “Okay. So, you need to find the princes,” she said matter-of-factly. “Clearly, this means more to you than just sex. You gotta find them, Lil. Youdeserveto figure out what it is.”
I laughed dismissively and turned to her. “Figure out what? Aiden gave me some mind-blowing orgasms, Nicholas helped him, and the other leaned against the wall and watched. So they gave me a great time, and somehow, that’s more than a one-night stand? They didn’t even stick around. I don’t know anything about them. I couldn’t find them even if I wanted to. You’re crazy.”